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10. The following screen is "Data Directory." By default, database configuration retrieved during discovery is used. In some environments, this path doesn't point to the actual location on the filesystem for the data. To remedy this, you can choose to specify the exact path for the data directory. This will ensure that we can locate the data files for the database during the restore.
!http://youngcopy.net/handynetworks/images_for_confluence/alt8.png! !alt8.png!
Select an option and click "Next" to proceed to the following step.

11. The next screen is "Base Directory". By default, the system automatically determines where on the filesystem the necessary program files are located. In some environments, the automatic method fails. To remedy this, you can specify the exact path for the base directory.
!http://youngcopy.net/handynetworks/images_for_confluence/alt9.png! !alt9.png!
Select an option and click "Next" to proceed to the following step.