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View Page HistoryFollow the instructions below to access the Configuration in your CDP Server Standard Edition.
1. Open the Web browser connected to the CDP Server Web Interface and log in. (See [CDP3:Accessing Standard Edition Web Interface], [Accessing Enterprise Edition Web Interface], [CDP3:Accessing Advanced Edition Web Interface].)
21. Click on "Configuration" in the Main Menu to open the "Configuration" window.
|| Standard Edition || Advanced Edition || Enterprise Edition ||
| !configuration-menu-st381.png! | !configuration-menu-ad381a.png! | !config-menu-en.png! |
| !configuration-menu-st381.png! | !configuration-menu-ad381a.png! | !config-menu-en.png! |
32. In the "Configuration" menu, click on "Web Server Options."
|| Standard Edition || Advanced, Enterprise Edition ||
| !task-scheduler-menu-st.png! | !task-sch-m.png! |
| !task-scheduler-menu-st.png! | !task-sch-m.png! |
43. The "Task Scheduler" window opens.
54. In the "Task Scheduler" window, you can see information about the following task pools:
* *Generic -* Tasks that are not a policy or a restore.
* *Disk Safe -* Tasks which refer to the Disk Safes: Policy, merge, and vacuum Tasks.
* *Disk Safe -* Tasks which refer to the Disk Safes: Policy, merge, and vacuum Tasks.