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To install the TFTP server on the Linux distribution that supports {color:blue}yum{color}, such as Fedora and CentOS, run the following command:
yum -y install tftp-server
{code}yum -y install tftp-server{code}
Other Linux distributions and Unix variants have their own methods of software installation. For example, on distributions that support aptitude, such as Debian and Ubuntu, a TFTP server can be installed with the command
apt-get install tftpd-hpa
{code}apt-get install tftpd-hpa{code}
After the installation, you will need to configure the TFTP server. This server runs from the super-server {color:blue}xinetd{color} and has a service configuration file in the {color:blue}/etc/xinetd.d{color} directory. The file in the {color:blue}/etc/xinetd.d{color} directory is usually installed with a TFTP server. But if the file in {color:blue}/etc/xinetd.d{color} is missing, you can create the file or record using your favorite text editor. An example of a file (named {color:blue}/etc/xinetd.d/tftp{color}) is provided below:

By default, the TFTP server is disabled and this line looks like {color:blue}disable = yes{color}. To enable it, change the line to {color:blue}disable = no{color} ({color:red}highlighted in red{color}). After saving the changes in the file, restart {color:blue}xinetd{color} with the following command:
By default, the TFTP server is disabled and this line looks like {color:blue}disable = yes{color}. To enable it, change the line to {color:blue}disable = no{color} ({color:red}highlighted in red{color}). After saving the changes in the file, restart {color:blue}xinetd{color} with the following command:
/etc/init.d/xinetd restart
{code}/etc/init.d/xinetd restart{code}
To test the TFTP server, you can copy {color:blue}/bin/ls{color} (exists in every Linux) to the {color:blue}/tftpboot{color} directory. Using a computer with Linux, open shell and execute the following command:
To test the TFTP server, you can copy {color:blue}/bin/ls{color} (exists in every Linux) to the {color:blue}/tftpboot{color} directory. Using a computer with Linux, open shell and execute the following command:
{code}tftp <TFTP server IP address> -c get ls{code}
If the TFTP server works, the command will not return any output and the file {color:blue}ls{color} should appear in the current directory.
{info:title=Note}The TFTP client (tftp command) is not included in CentOS and Fedora by default. This can result in "{color:blue}tftp: command not found{color}" errors. If you see such an error, install the TFTP client with the command
{info:title=Note}The TFTP client (tftp command) is not included in CentOS and Fedora by default. This can result in "{color:blue}tftp: command not found{color}" errors. If you see such an error, install the TFTP client with the command
yum install tftp
{code}yum install tftp{code}
Or, on Ubuntu or Debian,
apt-get install tftp-hpa
{code}apt-get install tftp-hpa{code}
{info}{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to configure TFTP server on Linux for PXE Network Boot Bare-Metal Restore method.{excerpt}