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View Page HistoryIf you are going to use the Boot CD-ROM, you need to download the appropriate software (CD-ROM ISO image) and burn it to a CD.
{info:title=Note}You can request CDs from R1Soft by asking your sales representative.

2. Log in to the site by entering your "User Name" and" Password" in the form on the right-hand side of the screen. Registration is required for all downloads.
{info:title=Note}Existing customers can use their *R1Soft Customer Portal Login*. The forum and tech support help desks have different logins.
New customers can register and download the trial solutions on [http://download.r1soft.com] at [http://download.r1soft.com] by clicking on the "Free Trial for Linux" or "Free Trial for Windows" link. New customers can request a quote here: [http://www.r1soft.com/index.php?id=360].
3. Click the "Download CDP Products" button to sort the list of the version products. product versions.
!LCD 1.png!
4. Click on the "Stable" link corresponding to "Live CD Server" under in the "Disaster Recovery Boot Media" section.
5. When the "Stable Release Downloads" page has loaded, you will see a three-column "Live CD Downloads" table containing the following information:
* *Version* \- The version of the latest Live CD Downloads.
* *Date* \- Release date.
* *Download* \- The link for downloading to download the Image you want to use to perform a Bare-Metal Restore.
{info:title=Note}You can view the release notes here: [http://wiki.r1soft.com/display/R1D/Release+Notes]
{info:title=Note}You can view the release notes here: [http://wiki.r1soft.com/display/R1D/Release+Notes]
6. Since you are performing a *Windows Bare-Metal Restore* using the *Boot CD-ROM Image*, you will need to download the following item:
* *Live CD* \- The file name looks like this: {{r1soft-cdp-bootcd-server-3.18.2.iso}}
{info:title=Tip}An {{.iso}} file is just a disk image. Treat it as an archive file without compression. Put it on a disk, or make it look like you put it on a disk to open it.