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View Page HistoryYou can restore VHD files using CDP. Follow the instructions below.
1. Open the Web browser connected to the CDP Server Web Interface and log in (See [CDP3:Accessing Standard Edition Web Interface], [Accessing Enterprise Edition Web Interface], [CDP3:Accessing Advanced Edition Web Interface]).
21. Click on "Recovery Points" in the Main Menu to open the "Recovery Points" window.
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32. {color:#ff6600}{*}Enterprise Edition{*}{color}: In the "Recovery Points" list, select an Agent from the drop-down menu located on the "Recovery Points" list toolbar.
43. From the drop-down menu located on the "Recovery Points" list toolbar, select a Disk Safe where the replication of VHD file is located.
54. Find a Recovery Point to restore from. Click on the "Browse" icon in the "Actions" column for this Recovery Point.
{info:title=Tip}To find a Recovery Point, you can use the Basic and Advanced List Filters. See [CDP3:Customizing the Recovery Points List].
65. The "Browse Recovery Point" window opens.
See also: [CDP3:Browsing Recovery Points].
76. Select the checkboxes next to the files and folders you want to restore.
87. Once the files and folders are selected, click on "Restore Selected."
98. The "Restore Files" window will open.
10. 9. Specify the following options:
h6. Restore to Agent

110. Click on "Restore."
121. A notification window will inform you that the Restore task has been scheduled. It means the Task has started. The "Reporting" screen displays the progress of the Task.
Click "OK" in the displayed window.

{info:title=Tip}The Task results can be sent via Email as a Report. See [Reporting].
132. To view the Restore Task details, access the "Reporting" window. See [Accessing Task History].
143. After you have restored the VHD file, in order to access its contents you need to attach and mount it using the [Hyper-V VHD Explorer|http://wiki.r1soft.com/display/CDP3/Hyper-V+VHD+Explorer]. See [Attaching VHDs|http://wiki.r1soft.com/display/CDP3/Attaching+VHDs], [Mounting VHD Volumes|http://wiki.r1soft.com/display/CDP3/Mounting+VHD+Volumes].{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to restore VHD files in CDP.{excerpt}