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Follow the instructions below to access the Data Center Console Dashboard.
1. Open the Web browser connected to the Data Center Console Web Interface and log in.
1. The Dashboard page typically loads automatically after you log in. See [Logging in to CDP Data Center Console].
2. The Dashboard page typically loads automatically after you log in.
2. The Dashboard page typically loads automatically after you log in.

32. The Dashboard screen contains four information panes:
* *CDP Servers* \- Displays the status of CDP Servers connected to the Console. The following notifications are available:
| !green.png! | The number of online CDP Servers |
| !green.png! | The number of online CDP Servers |

To access more detailed information about the servers, click the !monocle.png! icon. This will take you to the "CDP Servers" screen.
{info:title=Note}When you switch to the "CDP Servers" screen, the filter is automatically applied to the Servers list depending on the notification you have selected.
{info:title=Note}When you switch to the "CDP Servers" screen, the filter is automatically applied to the Servers list depending on the notification you have selected.
* *CDP Server Disk Usage* \- Displays the status of Disks ([Devices] that are assigned to the Disk Safes) from all the CDP Servers connected to the Console. The following notifications are available:
| !green.png! | The number of Disks that have enough free space |
| !green.png! | The number of Disks that have enough free space |

To access more detailed information about the disks, click the !monocle.png! icon. This will take you to the "Disk Usage" screen.
{info:title=Note}When you switch to the "Disk Usage" screen, the filter is automatically applied to the disks list depending on the notification you have selected.
{info:title=Note}When you switch to the "Disk Usage" screen, the filter is automatically applied to the disks list depending on the notification you have selected.
* *Volumes* \- Displays the status of [Volumes] from all the CDP Servers connected to the Console. The following notifications are available:
| !green.png! | The number of Volumes that have enough free space. |
| !green.png! | The number of Volumes that have enough free space. |

| !red.png! | The number of Policies that have failed to complete |
| !blue.png! | The number of Policies that are in unknown state |
| !blue.png! | The number of Policies that are in unknown state |
To access more detailed information about the policies, click the !monocle.png! icon. The icon will take you to the Data Center Console "Policies" screen.
{info:title=Note}When you switch to the "Policies" screen, the filter is automatically applied to the Policies list depending on the notification you have selected.
{info:title=Note}When you switch to the "Policies" screen, the filter is automatically applied to the Policies list depending on the notification you have selected.