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This release includes 4 product editions: CDP Standard Edition, CDP Advanced Edition, CDP Enterprise Edition, and Data Center Console.

bq. Linux customers can watch their server log file using the following command: tail \--f /usr/sbin/r1soft/log/server.log
{color:#000000}{*}Customers Upgrading with Customized Heap Settings:*{color}
* The upgrade will change the java heap size to 50% of physical memory if the server.conf file has been customized with a higher value. Reserving more than 50% of a system's memory for the Java Heap can result in situations where not enough memory is available for non-heap memory to the CDP server, or for other applications running on the system.
h4. CDP Standard Edition

You can access CDP 3 documentation here: [http://wiki.r1soft.com/display/CDP3/]