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h4. Step 2: Initiate a Bare-Metal Restore from "Recovery Points"
1. Open the Web browser connected to the CDP Server Web Interface and log in.
21. Click on "Recovery Points" in the Main Menu to open the "Recovery Points" screen.
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32. Select an Agent from the drop-down menu located on the "Recovery Points" list toolbar.
43. Select a Disk Safe from the drop-down menu located on the "Recovery Points" list toolbar.
{info:title=Tip}Alternatively, you can click on "Agents" in the main menu, then select the "Disk Safes" tab in the bottom pane, and then click on the "Recovery Points" icon for the Disk Safe to access the Recovery Points list.
54. In the "Recovery Points" list, click on the "Bare-Metal Restore" icon in the "Actions" column for the Recovery Point from which you are going to restore.

To find a Recovery Point, you can use the Basic and Advanced List Filters. See [Customizing the Recovery Points List].
65. The "Bare-Metal Restore" window opens.