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h2. Question
h4. Error Message displays when attempting a bare-metal restore from an encrypted disk safe
Error Messages:
Error Messages:

h2. Solution
Go to CDP Server dashboard, initiate bare-metal restore using normal procedure by clicking Recovery Points in the menu in the lower left hand corner of the dashboard, then click check box next to desired disk safe, then click the bare-metal restore icon on the right.
The bare-metal restore wizard will then launch, click the button labeled next, then select the file systems you want to restore, then click next button again. In the next screen that appears, click the radio button next to Restore to Alternate Host Name/IP, then enter the ip address for the server you are restoring to in the Host Name/IP field, then click the next button again.
At this point, proceed with the bare-metal restore normally, selecting the desired storage configuration, partition tables, software RAID and LVM volume groups to restore, then map the chosen file systems to devices on the target host and select any desired restore options on the restore options page. Then click the next button, review a final time on the last page and click the button labeled restore.

{kb-related-articles} [http://wiki.r1soft.com/display/CDP3/Managing+Disk+Safe+Encryption]