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View Page HistoryYou can access Example API Functions in the {{<installdir>/apisamples}} directory.
h4. Windows CDP
During CDP Server installation, you can select the installation directory for the server or leave the default location untouched.
By default, the CDP Server is installed to these locations:
* {{C:\Program Files\R1Soft CDP Server Standard Edition}}
* {{C:\Program Files\R1Soft CDP Server Enterprise Edition}}
* {{C:\Program Files\R1Soft CDP Server Advanced Edition}}
* {{C:\Program Files\R1Soft CDP Server Enterprise Edition}}
* {{C:\Program Files\R1Soft CDP Server Advanced Edition}}
The following screenshot displays the contents of the {{apisamples}} directory of the R1Soft CDP Advanced Edition directory (Windows).

h4. Linux CDP
API samples are located in the {{/usr/sbin/r1soft/apisamples}} directory. This directory cannot be changed because it is hardcoded in the {{.deb}} and {{.rpm}} packages. The following screenshot displays the contents of the {{apisamples}} directory. The screenshot is made from the Debian Gnome desktop.
{info:title=Tip}Nautilus file manager should be started with root permissions because the directory {{/usr/sbin/r1soft}} is not readable by regular users.