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1. Click on the "Delete" (red X) icon under "Actions" for the corresponding Agent in the list.
Alternatively, select the check-box(es) in front of the Agents and click on the "Delete Selected" button.
2. Familiarize yourself with the information displayed on the pop-up. Check the "Delete disk safes from disk" option. Click "Delete."
3. The Agent will disappear from the system.
Alternatively, select the check-box(es) in front of the Agents and click on the "Delete Selected" button.
2. Familiarize yourself with the information displayed on the pop-up. Check the "Delete disk safes from disk" option. Click "Delete."
3. The Agent will disappear from the system.
h5. Deleting Volumes

########====Delete Volumes End====########
1. Click on the "Delete" (red X) icon under "Actions" for the corresponding Volume in the list.
2. Confirm your request to delete the Volume.
In a few moments, the volume record disappears from the "Volumes" list.