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View Page HistoryTo upgrade the Linux CDP Agent to version 4.02.0, log in to the server and perform the following steps.
* Make sure you have a backup of the CDP installation directory before upgrading.
* Make sure you have a backup of the CDP installation directory before upgrading.
* Make sure that on upgrade from 2.x, the target machine is rebooted before installing 4.02.0.
1. Run the following commands:
1. Run the following commands:

{info:title=Tip}The upgrade process can take some time because the above command upgrades all of the obsolete packages, not just the CDP Agent.{info}
3. After the upgrade is complete, execute the following command to make sure that version 4.02.0 has been installed:
{code}dpkg -l | grep r1soft{code}

{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to upgrade Linux Agent to 4.02.0 on Debian and Ubuntu. {excerpt}