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* *Volumes* \- The number of Agents to which the user is assigned.
* *Agents* \- The number of Agents to which the user is assigned.
* *Agents* \- The number of Agents to which the user is assigned.
* *Actions* \- You can edit or edit, delete and enable or disable a user. See [Deleting Users|Deleting Users], [Editing User Properties|Editing User Properties], [Enabling and Disabling Users].
{info:title=Note}{color:#fd4703}{*}New in version 4.0{*}{color}. DCC Users must be able to make a language selection on each CDP server (Currently DCC user objects are not editable in CDP).{info}

| !browse-rp-agent-icon.png! | Can browse agent's recovery points (read-only) |
| !users-agent-icon.png! | Can edit agent's users |
| !users-agent-icon.png! | Can edit agent's users |
| !history-icon.png! | Can view agent's tasks in task history console | {excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to create Data Center Console users.{excerpt} |