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You can also create Disk Safes using the "Disk Safes" tab of the Agent "Details" Pane. This screen provides the same functionality as the main "Disk Safes" screen. See more information in [Accessing Agents].{info}
3. The "Create New Disk Safe" window will open.

h5. Limits Tab{anchor:lim}
This tab allows File Excludes, Recovery Point Archiving ,and Control Panels to be enabled/disabled. Limits can be defined for Replication, Recovery Points, and Archive Points.
{info:title=Tip}When you assign a Disk Safe to a [Volumes], all Volume's limits are applied to that Disk Safe. That it why the Disk Safe's limits should be at least as restrictive as Volume's. For example, if a Volume has a Recovery Point limit set to 100, the Disk Safe can only contain 100 Recovery Points or less.

* *Allow File Excludes* \- Check this This option to activate is selected by default. Activates the File Excludes feature for the Disk Safe. If you check this option, then the system will allow you to specify files/folders which will not to be backed up during the replication Policy. By default, all file/folders from the selected Devices are replicated. Read more in [About File and Folder Excludes], [Excluding Files and Folders].
{info:title-Tip}You cannot activate this option if it is not activated for the Volume to which the Disk Safe belongs.
* *Allow Recovery Point Archiving* \- Check this This option to activate is selected by default. Activates the Archiving feature for the Disk Safe. If you check this option, the system will allow you to create archives of your data on a specified hour, day, week, or month. If the option is enabled, then you can specify the "Archive Point Limit" under "Data Retention." Read more in [Archiving].
{info:title-Tip}You cannot activate this option if it is not activated for the Volume to which the Disk Safe belongs.

*Data Retention*
* *Recovery Point Limit* \- The maximum number of Recovery Points stored in the Disk Safe.
* *Recovery Point Limit* \- The maximum number of Recovery Points stored in the Disk Safe.
{info:title=Tip}The Disk Safe Recovery Point Limit must be within the limits of the Recovery Point Limit of the Volume to which the Disk Safe is assigned.
* *Archive Point Limit* \- The maximum number of Archive Points stored in the Disk Safe.
* *Archive Point Limit* \- The maximum number of Archive Points stored in the Disk Safe.
{info:title=Tip}The Disk Safe Archive Point Limit must be within the limits of the Archive Point Limit of the Volume to which the Disk Safe is assigned.