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View Page HistoryR1Soft CDP provides the ability to take a snapshot of the Microsoft SQL server databases. Since CDP is using the VSS SQL writers, it ensures data integrity and consistency during the backup operation.
R1Soft CDP provides the ability to take a snapshot of a Microsoft SQL server database. Since CDP uses the VSS SQL writer, data integrity and consistency during the backup operation are ensured.
Follow the instructions below to restore a an MS SQL database that was previously backed up by R1Soft CDP.

Pay attention that if you have configured the encryption during a [Disk Safe creation|Creating Disk Safes] you will be asked to enter the encryption passphrase while clicking on the "Browse", "Bare Metal Restore", "Browse Databases", "Exchange" icons.
Note that if you configured the encryption during [Disk Safe creation|Creating Disk Safes], you will be asked to enter the encryption passphrase when you click on the "Browse," "Bare Metal Restore," "Browse Databases," or "Exchange" icon.
!Enter Encryption Passphrase window.png!\\
To not enter the passphrase every time during clicking the mentioned above icons, click the "Remember passphrase until logout" checkbox. Then click the "OK" button.
So that you don't have to enter the passphrase every time you click on one of the above-mentioned icons, check the "Remember passphrase until logout" check-box. Then click the "OK" button.
!Enter Encryption Passphrase window_Remember passphrase option selected.png!\\
3. The "Browse Recovery Point" window opens. Browse to locate the location of the SQL data and log files ({color:blue}.mdf {color} and {color:blue}.ldf{color}). See also: [Browsing Recovery Points].
4. Check off the database {color:blue}.mdf{color} data files and {color:blue}.ldf{color} log files you want to restore.

Second, if the database already exists and you want to restore the {color:blue}.mdf{color} and {color:blue}.ldf{color} files to an alternate location, check the option for this and specify the path where the files will be restored. Optionally, check the "Overwrite Existing Files" option.
Third, define the Advanced options (if needed):
* *Estimate Restore Size*
* *Restore Discretionary ACLs (File Permissions)*
* *Restore Discretionary ACLs (File Permissions)*

8. A notification window will inform you that the Restore task has been scheduled. This means the Ttask has started. The "Reporting" screen displays the progress of the Ttask. Click "OK" in the displayed window.

2. Browse to the restore location.
{info:title=Note}If you restored it to an alternate location, the path will include the new location as well as location, in addition to the old hierarchy of the file location.

{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to restore an MS SQL database that was previously backed up by CDP.{excerpt}