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{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to browse files and folders in Archive Points in CDP.{excerpt}
{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to browse files and folders in Archive Points in CDP.{excerpt}
Follow the instructions below to browse file(s)/folder(s) in [Archiving] in CDP.
1. Click on "Recovery Points" in the Main Menu to open the "Recovery Points" window.
|| Advanced Edition || Service Provider edition ||
| !menurecoverypointadva.png! | !menu-recpoints.png! |
2.{color:#ff3300}{*}Service Provider Edition{*}{color}: select an Agent from the drop-down menu located on the "Recovery Points" list toolbar.
3. Select a Disk Safe from the drop-down menu located on the "Recovery Points" list toolbar.
|| Advanced Edition | !777.png! ||
|| Service Provider Edition | !7777.png! ||
4. Select the "Archive Points" tab.
5. In the "Archive Points" list, find an Archive Point and click on the "Browse" icon in the "Actions" column for this Archive Point.
{info:title=Tip}To find an Archive Point, you can use the List Filter. See [Customizing the Archive Points List].
6. "The Browse Archive Point" window will open.
7. Using the CDP Server Web Interface, browse the files and folders contained in the Archive Point.
{info:title=Tips}The built-in file browser functions like the Windows Explorer.
{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to browse files and folders in Archive Points in CDP.{excerpt}{newversion}