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1. Click on "Basic List Filter" located in the Task History menu.
!41.png! !22d.png!
2. The "Basic List Filter" window opens.

| !taskhistoryfilter2.png!\\ | !bas-fil-task1.png! |
h4. Advanced List Filter
The Advanced List Filter allows to reduce the number of Tasks in the "Task History" list on the basis of all possible filter options.
Follow the instructions below to apply the Advanced Filter to the "Task History" list.
1. Click "Advanced List Filter" located on the Task History sub-menu.
2. The "Advanced List Filter" window opens.This window has several blocks with filter options.
|| Standard, Advanced Edition || Enterprise Edition ||
| !advancedFilter.png!\\ | !Enterprise Edition_Advanced List Filter_No checkboxes selected_English.png!\\ |
{info:title=Tip}You can hide/open the filter options for each block by clicking on the header of the corresponding block.
The Advanced List Filter allows to reduce the number of Tasks in the "Task History" list on the basis of all possible filter options.
Follow the instructions below to apply the Advanced Filter to the "Task History" list.
1. Click "Advanced List Filter" located on the Task History sub-menu.
2. The "Advanced List Filter" window opens.This window has several blocks with filter options.
|| Standard, Advanced Edition || Enterprise Edition ||
| !advancedFilter.png!\\ | !Enterprise Edition_Advanced List Filter_No checkboxes selected_English.png!\\ |
{info:title=Tip}You can hide/open the filter options for each block by clicking on the header of the corresponding block.
{info:title=Note}To cancel the filter settings, click the "Show All" link. !11.png! {info}
3. Define one or several filter options:
h5. Details and Scheduling
This Details and Scheduling blocks contain the same filter options as the Basic List Filter. See [Basic List Filter|#basic] above.
Logging Contains the following options:
* *Message Level* \- Select this check-box to display the Task with the defined Levels of Log Messages. The following options are available:
** *Info* \- To display the Tasks with informational Log Messages.
** *Warn* \- To display the Tasks with warning Log Messages.
** *Error* \- To display the Tasks with error Log Messages.
* *Task Alert* \- Select this check-box to display Tasks on the basis of Alert criteria:
** *Has Alert* \- To display the Tasks with Alerts.
** *No Alert* \- To display the Tasks which do not have Alerts.
4. Once the filter criteria are defined, click "Filter."
|| Standard, Advanced Edition || Enterprise Edition ||
| !advancedfilter2.png!\\ | !Enterprise Edition_Advanced List Filter_English.png!\\ |
h5. Details and Scheduling
This Details and Scheduling blocks contain the same filter options as the Basic List Filter. See [Basic List Filter|#basic] above.
Logging Contains the following options:
* *Message Level* \- Select this check-box to display the Task with the defined Levels of Log Messages. The following options are available:
** *Info* \- To display the Tasks with informational Log Messages.
** *Warn* \- To display the Tasks with warning Log Messages.
** *Error* \- To display the Tasks with error Log Messages.
* *Task Alert* \- Select this check-box to display Tasks on the basis of Alert criteria:
** *Has Alert* \- To display the Tasks with Alerts.
** *No Alert* \- To display the Tasks which do not have Alerts.
4. Once the filter criteria are defined, click "Filter."
|| Standard, Advanced Edition || Enterprise Edition ||
| !advancedfilter2.png!\\ | !Enterprise Edition_Advanced List Filter_English.png!\\ |
{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to hide and show columns, sort rows, manage items per page, filter the Task History list in CDP.{excerpt}