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* Create a new user account for Windows CDP Server.
Follow the instructions below to use the "Reset User" function in [Windows CDP Configuration Utility|CDP3:About Windows CDP Configuration Utility].
1. Run the Windows CDP Configuration Utility by going to Start !arrow-transparent.gif! (All) Programs !arrow-transparent.gif! R1Soft CDP Backup !arrow-transparent.gif! CDP Configuration Utility.

6. Now you must restart the CDP Server service for your changes to take effect. See [CDP3:Restarting CDP Server].

See also:
* [Configuring User Options] (Standard Edition)
* [Configuring User Options] (Standard Edition)
* [CDP3:Adding Users] (Enterprise Edition)
* [CDP3:Editing User Properties] (Enterprise Edition)\\{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to reset user password or create a new CDP Server user using the Windows CDP Configuration Utility.{excerpt}