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View Page HistoryCDP Server Localization is a new service translating that translates the CDP interface into other languages.
Language settings page has been also updated. From here you can set the default language and time zone for the server. You can also upload the language packs to the CDP Server while it is running with no need to restart it.
The language settings page has been also updated. From here, you can set the default language and time zone for the server. You can also upload the language packs to the CDP server while it is running without needing to restart it.
Follow the instructions below to configure language settings for the CDP Server.

1. Click on "Configuration" in the Main Menu to open the "Configuration" window.
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2. Configure the language settings:
2. Click "Language Settings" in the Configuration Menu.
3.Configure the language settings:
3.Configure the language settings:
* *Default Language* - Allows setting the default language for the entire server. The entire interface of the CDP Server will be displayed in the language that the user has picked. Available languages are:
* *Default Language* \- Allows you to set the default language for the entire server. The entire interface of the CDP Server will be displayed in the language that the user has picked. Available languages include the following:
** *English*
** *Spanish*
** *Japanese*
** *Spanish*
** *Japanese*
{info:title=Note}You can use the “Remember Me” option to save the your language selection as well.{info}
* *Server Timezone* - Allows to choose and set the time zone. There are a numerous time zones listed in the new drop-down menu with city and country names. You can choose it according to your preferences.
* *Server Timezone* \- Allows you to choose and set the time zone. There are numerous time zones listed in the new drop-down menu with city and country names. You can choose the time zone according to your preference.
{info:title=Tip}The CDP system uses, by default, the operation system time zone. {info}
* *Remember Login Details* - Allows to save the username and language selection at the Login page.
* *Remember Login Details* \- Allows you to save your username and language selection on the Login page.
{info:title=Note} If cookies are disabled in the user’s browser, the option will not save the data.{info}
34. Click "Save."
45. You can upload more language packs to use in the CDP Server Localization. Click on the "Upload Language Pack" button under the "Installed Locales."
56. Click ion the "Browse" button and select the {{.properties}} file from tyour local filesystem.
{info:title=Tip}File names are to should be in a the proper format used for language specification.{info}
6. Click "Upload." The new language has been uploaded and can be seen now in the list of the drop-down menu of language selection.
7. Click "Upload." The new language has been uploaded and is now listed in the drop-down menu for language selection.
{info:title=Note}The list of languages is displayed in the specific speaker’s language. For example, if you have chosen Spanish, the language selection menu shows the list of languages in Spanish.{info}
{info:title=Note}The list of languages is displayed in the default language. For example, if you have chosen Spanish as your default language, then the language selection menu shows the list of languages in Spanish.{info}
After your settings are saved, they are stored in a new properties file called {{name.properties}}. It has 3 values in it. contains three values.
{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to configure language settings in CDP Server 4.0.{excerpt}