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{note:title=Notice}Make sure the CDP Server is running and the Server port (default 80) and Agent port (default 1167) are not busy by other applications. See also: [Restarting CDP Server], [Configuring CDP Server Ports], [Configuring CDP Agent Port]. {note}
1. Run the Windows CDP Agent Configuration Utility. Read more in [CDP3:Launching the Windows CDP Agent Configuration Utility].
2. The main window of the Windows CDP Agent Configuration Utility will be displayed. Switch over to the "Authorized CDP Servers" tab.

5. Enter the following information to inform the Utility how to contact the CDP Server.
* *Filename* \- Enter Host name that will be shown in the "Installed Keys" list. The file containing Encryption Key will have this name.
* *Filename* \- Enter Host name that will be shown in the "Installed Keys" list. The file containing Encryption Key will have this name.
{info:title=Note}There is an Agent configuration setting IPAuthentication that allows the system to check if the Filename matches IP. If IPAuthentication is "0," then the "Filename" value can be different from the "R1Soft CDP Server" value. See [CDP3:Changing Windows Agent Configuration].

* [Viewing Server Keys Installed on Windows Agent]
* [Resetting Public Key]
* [Resetting Public Key]
* [CDP3:Adding the Server Key to Linux Agent]
{excerpt:hidden=true}To allow a CDP Server to connect to your Windows Agent to perform Backups, you must first add a Key for the CDP Server. Instructions on how to add the Server Public Key to your Agent using the Windows CDP Configuration Utility.{excerpt}