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h3. Advanced Edition {anchor:advanced1}
See [Advanced Edition].
h3. Agents{anchor:agent1}
Agents are computers and servers that are being replicated. Multiple Agents can be managed within the [Enterprise|#Enterprise Edition1] CDP. See: [CDP Agents].
h3. Alert{anchor:alert1}
CDP system generates warning alerts to inform users that the current course of action could be in some way dangerous or detrimental.
h3. API{anchor:api1}
An application programming interface (API) is an interface implemented by a software program that enables it to interact with other software. There is a list of CDP API provided by R1Soft. See [API Documentation].
h3. Archive Point{anchor:archivepoint1}
An Archive Point is basically a copy of the most recent [#Recovery Point1], which can be used for long term data storage to provide further integrity and safe-keeping of data. It supports all of the Recovery Points' functionality. You can browse and restore your files as well as perform a [Bare-Metal Restore1|#Bare-Metal Restore1]. See [Archiving].
h3. Archiving in CDP{anchor:archiving1}
Refers to advanced recovery point archiving rules available in CDP. This process involves archiving the most recently available [recovery point|#Recovery Point1] as configured on a daily/weekly/monthly basis for long term storage. See [Archiving].
h3. Bare Metal{anchor:baremetal}
A new computer system that does not contain an operating system or any software.
h3. Bare-Metal Restore in CDP{anchor:bmr1}
Bare-Metal Restore is the process of instantly rebuilding a computer or server from scratch after a catastrophic failure. The CDP application allows to restore servers directly from disk-based backup. There is *no* need to first partition your drive and install the operating system. Instead, you use the Bare-Metal Restore process built directly into the CDP Server. See: [Bare-Metal Restore|Bare-Metal Restore].
h3. Blocks{anchor:block1}
The file system of every operating system divides the hard disk into groups of bytes called blocks. Block-based backup application reads the data from these blocks. Compared to backup applications that read every file using file system, which is slow and time consuming process, block based backups are more efficient.
h3. Compression{anchor:compression1}
Compression is the reduction in size of data in order to save disk space or transmission time. There are three types of compression in CDP: None, Zlib or QuickLZ.
h3. Control Panel Instance{anchor:instance1}
Control Panel Instance is an occurrence of a Hosting Control Panel (a certain installation on the machine where the CDP Agent is installed.) The Instance must be added to the [Policy|#policy1]. For each Instance, you need to specify Control Panel Type, Name, Description, and Virtuozzo Container ID (if exists). See [CDP for Hosting Control Panels].
h3. Delta {anchor:delta1}
Deltas are the data that has changed since the last backup run. Various types of data can be treated as Deltas. It depends on how the backup application computes deltas. A delta could be a raw disk [block|#Blocks1], a variables length portion of a file or even a complete file depending on the method.
h3. Disk Safe{anchor:disk safe1}
To map the block [deltas|#delta1] versions and [Recovery Points|#recoverypoint1], the block deltas database is used. This database is a Disk Safe. Disk Safe contains the data needed to restore the Device(s) of [Agent|#agent1]. See: [Disk Safes].
h3. Enterprise Edition{anchor:enterprise1}
See [Enterprise Edition].
h3. Export{anchor:export1}
Moving files from a [#recovery point1] in the [Disk Safe|#disk safe1] to an off-site server or local hard disk. See [Copying and Moving Disk Safes].
h3. File Excludes{anchor:file excludes1}
File Excludes are files and folders that a user wants to excluded from [replications|#replication1]. The system allows to define various exclude rules while customizing the settings of a replication. The user can exclude files and folders as well. See [Excluding Files and Folders].
h3. Full Block Scan{anchor:fullblockscan1}
This is a particular type of CDP [replication|#replication1] of a device. It happens under certain conditions and is required to get the asynchronous CDP replication back in sync. Usually this process takes much time and may reduce a network throughput.
h3. GUID{anchor:guid1}
Globally Unique Identifier is generated by the system. This is a unique reference number used as an identifier in computer software. The value of a GUID is represented as a 32-character string, for example 0f6b6a6e-d444-4c77-a026-f76be7723e16.
h3. Hyper-V VHD Explorer{anchor:Hyper-V VHD Explorer1}
R1Soft Hyper-V VHD Explorer allows you to mount and dismount your Hyper-V Virtual Hard Disk ([VHD|#VHD1]) files. Explorer shell integration adds right-click "Attach" and "Detach" actions to .vhd files in MS Windows Explorer. Use the Hyper-V VHD Explorer graphical user interface to manage all your mounted [VHD|#VHD1] files.
h3. Limit Disk Space Available to CDP{anchor:Limit Disk Space Available to CDP1}
This option defines how much free space can be left. This is an effective limit defined in percents of the Device volume. If the limit is reached, then the system forbids generating new [Recovery Points|#recovery point1]. The [replication|#replication1] is interrupted and failed.
h3. Initial Replica{anchor:initialreplica1}
The first [Recovery Point|#recoverypoint1] containing all used (except for excludes) parts of the hard disk. Subsequent [synchronizations|#synchronization1] only contain [Deltas|#delta1].
h3. Locking Recovery Points in CDP{anchor:lock1}
Locking [Recovery Points|#recoverypoint1] means protecting them from being [merged (deleted)|#merge1].
h3. Log Files{anchor:logfiles1}
Log File is a file that lists actions that have occurred. Three types of log files are available in CDP: log file with messages from tasks performed by the backup agent ({color:blue}cdp.log{color}); log file with messages from the CDP Server ({color:blue}server.log{color}); log file with messages from the web GUI, and startup/shutdown tasks ({color:blue}monitor.log{color}). See [Accessing Log Files].
h3. Merge Recovery Points {anchor:merge1}
The process of deleting a [Recovery Point|#recoverypoint1] is actually a merge between the unwanted recovery point and closest existing recovery point. [Deltas|#delta1] that have changed between the two Recovery Points can be discarded and the space they consume in the [Disk Safe|#Disk Safe1] freed. See [Merging Recovery Points].
h3. Mount Point{anchor:mountpoint1}
In Unix-like systems, a mount point is the location in the operating system's directory structure where a mounted file system appears. In Microsoft Windows, mapping a drive is the equivalent to mount point.
h3. Multi-Point Replication{anchor:multipointreplication1}
Multi-Point Replication is a function built-in CDP [Enterprise|#enterprise1] Edition. It allows a secondary [replication|#replication1]of your CDP Enterprise Server machine. As the primary CDP Server itself could potentially crash due to hardware failure, virus attack, etc., you can run another CDP Server enabling you to protect the machine with your primary CDP Server installed. Using Multi-Point Replication function, you can replicate your primary CDP Enterprise Server machine by a secondary CDP Enterprise Server. See [Multi-Point Replication|Multi-Point Replication].
h3. MySQL{anchor:mysql1}
MySQL is a database software with a variety of tools providing multi-user access to a number of databases. The CDP system allows to backup and restore MySQL databases. See [CDP for MySQL].
h3. Partition{anchor:partition1}
Partition as an action means to divide memory or mass storage into isolated sections. The Partitions are specific areas within the hard disk. Partition Table is a placeholder for the description of a Partition on the hard disk.
h3. Policy (Data Protection Policy){anchor:policy1}
Policy is assigned to a [Disk Safe|#disksafe1]. It is a schedule of Disk Safe replication. You can schedule recurring Policies or create one-time Policies. The Policy starts at the time you have specified in the Policy properties. The Policy properties include information about how may [Recovery Points|#Recovery Point1] to keep in the [Disk Safe|#Disk Safe1]. See [Policies].
h3. Policy Frequency{anchor:Policy Frequency1}
Recurrence selected for running the Policy (On Demand, Minutely, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly)
h3. Recovery Point Retention{anchor:retention1}
The rules that define how many [Recovery Points|#recoverypoint1] to keep in the [Disk Safe|#disksafe1]. Old Recovery Points are [merged|#merge1].
h3. Recovery Point{anchor:recoverypoint1}
A Recovery Point is a set of many [deltas|#delta1]. Deltas represent the state of a disk volume [block|#Blocks1] at a particular point in time. Each delta can be used by one or more Recovery Point. The relationship between Deltas and Recovery Points is maintained by the [Disk Safe|#Disk Safe1]. See: [Recovery Points].
h3. Recovery Point Limit{anchor:Recovery point limit1}
The limit indicates how many Recovery Points will be kept. The old Recovery Points will be merged automatically.
h3. Replication{anchor:replication1}
The operation of copying block level [Deltas|#delta1] from the [Agent|#Agents1] to the CDP Server into a new [Recovery Point|#recoverypoint1]. Each replication creates a point-in-time image (a [Recovery Point|#recoverypoint1]) of the Device.
h3. Server Key{anchor:serverkey1}
In order to keep the [CDP Agent|#Agents1] secure, connections are only accepted from specified CDP Servers. To specify it, you need to add Server Public Key to the CDP Agent. It means creating a text file on the Agent machine. See [Adding the Server Key to Linux Agent], [Adding the Server Key to Windows Agent].
h3. Snapshot the Disk or Volume{anchor:snapshot1}
This is the first stage of [replication|#replication1] process. The system creates a point-in-time snapshot of the servers file system for a consistent open file backup.
h3. Warn When Disk Usage Exceeds
This is a warning level where users are informed they are close to reaching their effective limit. The level is also defined in percents of the Device volume. This limit is usually a lesser value to [Limit Disk Space Available to CDP|#Limit Disk Space Available to CDP1].
h3. Standard Edition{anchor:standard1}
See [Standard Edition].
h3. Synchronization{anchor:synchronization1}
Synchronization is the process of creation of the [Disk Safe|#disksafe1] point-in-time snapshot and computing [Deltas|#delta1] based on the last completed synchronization.
h3. Vacuuming Disk Safes in CDP{anchor:vacuum1}
Vacuuming [Disk Safe|#disksafe1] is the process of reducing of the on-disk size. It is achieved by vacuuming [Blocks|#Blocks1] which are not longer used by a file system.
h3. VHD{anchor:vhd1}
Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) is typically used as a hard disk of a virtual machine. It allows you to deploy multiple operating systems on a single host machine. On the market, there are pre-configured VHDs with already installed software. Such VHDs enable you to evaluate different software solutions in your own environment without the need for dedicated servers or complex installations. Use the [Hyper-V VHD Explorer|#Hyper-V VHD Explorer1] graphical user interface to manage all your mounted VHD files.
h3. Volume{anchor:volume1}
Volume is a storage of one or more [Disk Safes|#disksafe1]. Volumes are so-called containers in the [Replication|#Replication1] system. See: [Volumes].
{excerpt:hidden=true}CDP Glossary{excerpt}
h3. Advanced Edition {anchor:advanced1}
See [Advanced Edition].
h3. Agents{anchor:agent1}
Agents are computers and servers that are being replicated. Multiple Agents can be managed within the [Enterprise|#Enterprise Edition1] CDP. See: [CDP Agents].
h3. Alert{anchor:alert1}
CDP system generates warning alerts to inform users that the current course of action could be in some way dangerous or detrimental.
h3. API{anchor:api1}
An application programming interface (API) is an interface implemented by a software program that enables it to interact with other software. There is a list of CDP API provided by R1Soft. See [API Documentation].
h3. Archive Point{anchor:archivepoint1}
An Archive Point is basically a copy of the most recent [#Recovery Point1], which can be used for long term data storage to provide further integrity and safe-keeping of data. It supports all of the Recovery Points' functionality. You can browse and restore your files as well as perform a [Bare-Metal Restore1|#Bare-Metal Restore1]. See [Archiving].
h3. Archiving in CDP{anchor:archiving1}
Refers to advanced recovery point archiving rules available in CDP. This process involves archiving the most recently available [recovery point|#Recovery Point1] as configured on a daily/weekly/monthly basis for long term storage. See [Archiving].
h3. Bare Metal{anchor:baremetal}
A new computer system that does not contain an operating system or any software.
h3. Bare-Metal Restore in CDP{anchor:bmr1}
Bare-Metal Restore is the process of instantly rebuilding a computer or server from scratch after a catastrophic failure. The CDP application allows to restore servers directly from disk-based backup. There is *no* need to first partition your drive and install the operating system. Instead, you use the Bare-Metal Restore process built directly into the CDP Server. See: [Bare-Metal Restore|Bare-Metal Restore].
h3. Blocks{anchor:block1}
The file system of every operating system divides the hard disk into groups of bytes called blocks. Block-based backup application reads the data from these blocks. Compared to backup applications that read every file using file system, which is slow and time consuming process, block based backups are more efficient.
h3. Compression{anchor:compression1}
Compression is the reduction in size of data in order to save disk space or transmission time. There are three types of compression in CDP: None, Zlib or QuickLZ.
h3. Control Panel Instance{anchor:instance1}
Control Panel Instance is an occurrence of a Hosting Control Panel (a certain installation on the machine where the CDP Agent is installed.) The Instance must be added to the [Policy|#policy1]. For each Instance, you need to specify Control Panel Type, Name, Description, and Virtuozzo Container ID (if exists). See [CDP for Hosting Control Panels].
h3. Delta {anchor:delta1}
Deltas are the data that has changed since the last backup run. Various types of data can be treated as Deltas. It depends on how the backup application computes deltas. A delta could be a raw disk [block|#Blocks1], a variables length portion of a file or even a complete file depending on the method.
h3. Disk Safe{anchor:disk safe1}
To map the block [deltas|#delta1] versions and [Recovery Points|#recoverypoint1], the block deltas database is used. This database is a Disk Safe. Disk Safe contains the data needed to restore the Device(s) of [Agent|#agent1]. See: [Disk Safes].
h3. Service Provider Edition{anchor:enterprise1}
See [Enterprise Edition].
h3. Export{anchor:export1}
Moving files from a [#recovery point1] in the [Disk Safe|#disk safe1] to an off-site server or local hard disk. See [Copying and Moving Disk Safes].
h3. File Excludes{anchor:file excludes1}
File Excludes are files and folders that a user wants to excluded from [replications|#replication1]. The system allows to define various exclude rules while customizing the settings of a replication. The user can exclude files and folders as well. See [Excluding Files and Folders].
h3. Full Block Scan{anchor:fullblockscan1}
This is a particular type of CDP [replication|#replication1] of a device. It happens under certain conditions and is required to get the asynchronous CDP replication back in sync. Usually this process takes much time and may reduce a network throughput.
h3. GUID{anchor:guid1}
Globally Unique Identifier is generated by the system. This is a unique reference number used as an identifier in computer software. The value of a GUID is represented as a 32-character string, for example 0f6b6a6e-d444-4c77-a026-f76be7723e16.
h3. Hyper-V VHD Explorer{anchor:Hyper-V VHD Explorer1}
R1Soft Hyper-V VHD Explorer allows you to mount and dismount your Hyper-V Virtual Hard Disk ([VHD|#VHD1]) files. Explorer shell integration adds right-click "Attach" and "Detach" actions to .vhd files in MS Windows Explorer. Use the Hyper-V VHD Explorer graphical user interface to manage all your mounted [VHD|#VHD1] files.
h3. Limit Disk Space Available to CDP{anchor:Limit Disk Space Available to CDP1}
This option defines how much free space can be left. This is an effective limit defined in percents of the Device volume. If the limit is reached, then the system forbids generating new [Recovery Points|#recovery point1]. The [replication|#replication1] is interrupted and failed.
h3. Initial Replica{anchor:initialreplica1}
The first [Recovery Point|#recoverypoint1] containing all used (except for excludes) parts of the hard disk. Subsequent [synchronizations|#synchronization1] only contain [Deltas|#delta1].
h3. Locking Recovery Points in CDP{anchor:lock1}
Locking [Recovery Points|#recoverypoint1] means protecting them from being [merged (deleted)|#merge1].
h3. Log Files{anchor:logfiles1}
Log File is a file that lists actions that have occurred. Three types of log files are available in CDP: log file with messages from tasks performed by the backup agent ({color:blue}cdp.log{color}); log file with messages from the CDP Server ({color:blue}server.log{color}); log file with messages from the web GUI, and startup/shutdown tasks ({color:blue}monitor.log{color}). See [Accessing Log Files].
h3. Merge Recovery Points {anchor:merge1}
The process of deleting a [Recovery Point|#recoverypoint1] is actually a merge between the unwanted recovery point and closest existing recovery point. [Deltas|#delta1] that have changed between the two Recovery Points can be discarded and the space they consume in the [Disk Safe|#Disk Safe1] freed. See [Merging Recovery Points].
h3. Mount Point{anchor:mountpoint1}
In Unix-like systems, a mount point is the location in the operating system's directory structure where a mounted file system appears. In Microsoft Windows, mapping a drive is the equivalent to mount point.
h3. Multi-Point Replication{anchor:multipointreplication1}
Multi-Point Replication is a function built-in CDP [Enterprise|#enterprise1] Edition. It allows a secondary [replication|#replication1]of your CDP Enterprise Server machine. As the primary CDP Server itself could potentially crash due to hardware failure, virus attack, etc., you can run another CDP Server enabling you to protect the machine with your primary CDP Server installed. Using Multi-Point Replication function, you can replicate your primary CDP Enterprise Server machine by a secondary CDP Enterprise Server. See [Multi-Point Replication|Multi-Point Replication].
h3. MySQL{anchor:mysql1}
MySQL is a database software with a variety of tools providing multi-user access to a number of databases. The CDP system allows to backup and restore MySQL databases. See [CDP for MySQL].
h3. Partition{anchor:partition1}
Partition as an action means to divide memory or mass storage into isolated sections. The Partitions are specific areas within the hard disk. Partition Table is a placeholder for the description of a Partition on the hard disk.
h3. Policy (Data Protection Policy){anchor:policy1}
Policy is assigned to a [Disk Safe|#disksafe1]. It is a schedule of Disk Safe replication. You can schedule recurring Policies or create one-time Policies. The Policy starts at the time you have specified in the Policy properties. The Policy properties include information about how may [Recovery Points|#Recovery Point1] to keep in the [Disk Safe|#Disk Safe1]. See [Policies].
h3. Policy Frequency{anchor:Policy Frequency1}
Recurrence selected for running the Policy (On Demand, Minutely, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly)
h3. Recovery Point Retention{anchor:retention1}
The rules that define how many [Recovery Points|#recoverypoint1] to keep in the [Disk Safe|#disksafe1]. Old Recovery Points are [merged|#merge1].
h3. Recovery Point{anchor:recoverypoint1}
A Recovery Point is a set of many [deltas|#delta1]. Deltas represent the state of a disk volume [block|#Blocks1] at a particular point in time. Each delta can be used by one or more Recovery Point. The relationship between Deltas and Recovery Points is maintained by the [Disk Safe|#Disk Safe1]. See: [Recovery Points].
h3. Recovery Point Limit{anchor:Recovery point limit1}
The limit indicates how many Recovery Points will be kept. The old Recovery Points will be merged automatically.
h3. Replication{anchor:replication1}
The operation of copying block level [Deltas|#delta1] from the [Agent|#Agents1] to the CDP Server into a new [Recovery Point|#recoverypoint1]. Each replication creates a point-in-time image (a [Recovery Point|#recoverypoint1]) of the Device.
h3. Server Key{anchor:serverkey1}
In order to keep the [CDP Agent|#Agents1] secure, connections are only accepted from specified CDP Servers. To specify it, you need to add Server Public Key to the CDP Agent. It means creating a text file on the Agent machine. See [Adding the Server Key to Linux Agent], [Adding the Server Key to Windows Agent].
h3. Snapshot the Disk or Volume{anchor:snapshot1}
This is the first stage of [replication|#replication1] process. The system creates a point-in-time snapshot of the servers file system for a consistent open file backup.
h3. Warn When Disk Usage Exceeds
This is a warning level where users are informed they are close to reaching their effective limit. The level is also defined in percents of the Device volume. This limit is usually a lesser value to [Limit Disk Space Available to CDP|#Limit Disk Space Available to CDP1].
h3. Standard Free Edition{anchor:standard1}
See [Standard [Free Edition].

Synchronization is the process of creation of the [Disk Safe|#disksafe1] point-in-time snapshot and computing [Deltas|#delta1] based on the last completed synchronization.
h3. Vacuuming Disk Safes in CDP{anchor:vacuum1}
Vacuuming [Disk Safe|#disksafe1] is the process of reducing of the on-disk size. It is achieved by vacuuming [Blocks|#Blocks1] which are not longer used by a file system.
h3. VHD{anchor:vhd1}
Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) is typically used as a hard disk of a virtual machine. It allows you to deploy multiple operating systems on a single host machine. On the market, there are pre-configured VHDs with already installed software. Such VHDs enable you to evaluate different software solutions in your own environment without the need for dedicated servers or complex installations. Use the [Hyper-V VHD Explorer|#Hyper-V VHD Explorer1] graphical user interface to manage all your mounted VHD files.
h3. Volume{anchor:volume1}
Volume is a storage of one or more [Disk Safes|#disksafe1]. Volumes are so-called containers in the [Replication|#Replication1] system. See: [Volumes].
{excerpt:hidden=true}CDP Glossary{excerpt}{newversion}