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* *Volume Path* \- Absolute path to the directory where the Volume is located. Example: {{c:\main_volume}}, {{/volume1}}.
* *Quota Type* \- Quotas are set to limit the disk usage of the Volume. It can be "On Disk Size" or "Size of Deltas in Disk Safe." See a detailed description in Creating Volumes.
* *Quota Type* \- Quotas are set to limit the disk usage of the Volume. It can be "On Disk Size" or "Size of Deltas in Disk Safe." See a detailed description in Creating Volumes.
* *Soft Quota* \- Value in bytes, KB, MB, GB, or TB, representing the threshold at which users are informed that they are close to reaching their effective data usage limit.
* *Hard Quota* \- Value in bytes, KB, MB, GB, or TB, representing the maximum amount of resources allowed to be occupied by data.
* *On Disk Size* \- Value in bytes which shows showing the amount of disk space occupied by the Volume.
* *Deltas* \- Value in bytes representing the amount of data that has changed since the last backup run.