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Changes (11)
View Page HistoryThe Hosting Control Panel Integration only supports Control Panels running on Linux. The Linux Agent must
be installed where the Hosting Control Panel is hosted. See also: [System Requirements - CDP Agent for Linux|System Requirements - CDP Agent for Linux].
The following Control Panels are supported:
* Parallels Virtuozzo Containers 4 (Allows container administrators to restore from backups).
* cPanel 11+ 11\+
* cPanel installed inside a Linux Parallels Virtuozzo Container
* Parallels Plesk Panel 9, 10
* Parallels Plesk Panel 9, 10 installed inside a Linux Parallels Virtuozzo Container
* Parallels Pro 10
* Interworx 4.9.3
* DirectAdmin 1.39.1
* Parallels H-Sphere 3.x and greater higher
* Linux Home Directories
* Custom
* Custom