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3. Then see [Obtaining Data Center Console for Windows] for instructions on finding out if there is a new version available for downloading.
4. Once you have downloaded a the new version, double-click it to start the installation process. The installation wizard will open.
The upgrade process is the same as the installation process.
The upgrade process is the same as the installation process.

!DCC installer_Agreement.png!
9. Setup will check for any problems. If no problems are found, click on the "Next" button.
!DCC installer_preinstall checks.png!
There may be some problems with the installation. Eliminate them and continue. In our example, this issue is not critical, and you can continue.
!DCC installer_preinstall checks_disk space check failed.png!

If you encounter such a message(s), find the file(s) indicated and *rename them *(provide any other file name for them). Then click the "Retry" button.
!DCC installer_error window.png!
13. The installation process will be continued. continue.
!DCC installer_Installing in progress_continue.png!

Be aware that you do not have to start the "R1Soft DataCenter Console" service, as it starts automatically after the installation completes.
16. Open a browser, and enter the Data Center Console's address as you did it earlier.
17. Click "Configuration" in the main menu.

!DCC_Main Menu_Configuration.png!
18. In our example, we can see that the version has been changed as was expected.
!DCC version_upgarded.png!