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2. The "Basic List Filter" window will open. opens.

3. Define one or several filter options:
3. Define one or several filter options:
* *State* \- Select this checkbox to filter the list by the Report State (Enabled or Disabled).
* *Name* \- Select this checkbox to filter the list by the Volume Name.
* *Owner* \- Select this checkbox to filter the list by the Report Owner.
* *Viewers* \-
* *Recipients* \-
* E-mail Address -
* Frequency Type
** On Demand
** Minutely
** Hourly
** Daily
** Weekly
** Monthly
** Yearly
* Last Run Time
* Next Run Time
* Include reports that have not run yet
* Include reports without a next execution time
* *Recipients* \-
* E-mail Address -
* Frequency Type
** On Demand
** Minutely
** Hourly
** Daily
** Weekly
** Monthly
** Yearly
* Last Run Time
* Next Run Time
* Include reports that have not run yet
* Include reports without a next execution time
The following items are available in the drop-down list:
* *Starts with* \- To filter by Name/Description that begins with a specific character(s). Type in the beginning characters of the Name/Description.
* *Contains* \- To filter by Name/Description that has specific character(s) anywhere in the text. Type in characters that can be contained in the Name/Description.
* *Ends with* \- To filter by Name/Description that ends with a specific character(s). Type in the ending characters of the Name/Description.
* *Min...bytes (for Soft and Hard Quotas)* \- To filer by Soft or Hard Quota of the defined minimum size in bytes.
* *Max...bytes (for Soft and Hard Quotas)* \- To filer by Soft or Hard Quota of the defined maximum size in bytes.
* *Starts with* \- To filter by Name/Description that begins with a specific character(s). Type in the beginning characters of the Name/Description.
* *Contains* \- To filter by Name/Description that has specific character(s) anywhere in the text. Type in characters that can be contained in the Name/Description.
* *Ends with* \- To filter by Name/Description that ends with a specific character(s). Type in the ending characters of the Name/Description.
* *Min...bytes (for Soft and Hard Quotas)* \- To filer by Soft or Hard Quota of the defined minimum size in bytes.
* *Max...bytes (for Soft and Hard Quotas)* \- To filer by Soft or Hard Quota of the defined maximum size in bytes.
*By Recipients*
* *Viewers* \- Select this checkbox to filter the list by the Report Viewers.
* *Recipients* \- Select this checkbox to filter the list by the Report Recipients.
* *E-mail Address* \- Select this checkbox to filter the list by the E-mail Address to send the report to.
* *Frequency Type* \- Select this checkbox to filter the list by the Frequency Type. The following Frequency Types are available:
** *On Demand*
** *Minutely*
** *Hourly*
** *Daily*
** *Weekly*
** *Monthly*
** *Yearly*
* *Last Run Time* \- Allows to to filter the list by the Last Run Time of the reports.
* *Next Run Time* \- Allows to to filter the list by the Next Run Time of the reports.
* *Include reports that have not run yet* \- If checked, the list includes reports that have not run yet.
* *Include reports without a next execution time* \- If checked, the list includes reports without a next execution time.
The following items are available in the drop-down lists:
* *Starts with* \- To filter by Name/Owner/Viewers/Recipients/E-mail Address that begins with a specific character(s). Type in the beginning characters of the Name/Owner/Viewers/Recipients/E-mail Address.
* *Contains* \- To filter by Name/Owner/Viewers/Recipients/E-mail Address that has specific character(s) anywhere in the text. Type in characters that can be contained in the Name/Owner/Viewers/Recipients/E-mail Address.
* *Ends with* \- To filter by Name/Owner/Viewers/Recipients/E-mail Address that ends with a specific character(s). Type in the ending characters of the Name/Owner/Viewers/Recipients/E-mail Address.
* *Recipients* \- Select this checkbox to filter the list by the Report Recipients.
* *E-mail Address* \- Select this checkbox to filter the list by the E-mail Address to send the report to.
* *Frequency Type* \- Select this checkbox to filter the list by the Frequency Type. The following Frequency Types are available:
** *On Demand*
** *Minutely*
** *Hourly*
** *Daily*
** *Weekly*
** *Monthly*
** *Yearly*
* *Last Run Time* \- Allows to to filter the list by the Last Run Time of the reports.
* *Next Run Time* \- Allows to to filter the list by the Next Run Time of the reports.
* *Include reports that have not run yet* \- If checked, the list includes reports that have not run yet.
* *Include reports without a next execution time* \- If checked, the list includes reports without a next execution time.
The following items are available in the drop-down lists:
* *Starts with* \- To filter by Name/Owner/Viewers/Recipients/E-mail Address that begins with a specific character(s). Type in the beginning characters of the Name/Owner/Viewers/Recipients/E-mail Address.
* *Contains* \- To filter by Name/Owner/Viewers/Recipients/E-mail Address that has specific character(s) anywhere in the text. Type in characters that can be contained in the Name/Owner/Viewers/Recipients/E-mail Address.
* *Ends with* \- To filter by Name/Owner/Viewers/Recipients/E-mail Address that ends with a specific character(s). Type in the ending characters of the Name/Owner/Viewers/Recipients/E-mail Address.
4. Click on "Filter" to apply the search filter.