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View Page HistoryThe following example demonstrates how to delete multi-level reseller(s) and Power -User(s) and their associations.
A PHP file called {{Delete_Multi_Level_Reseller_And_Power_User_And_Their_Associations.php}} can be found here:

* "Failed to delete Power user" / "Power user deleted successfully"
h4. Sequence of Automated Actions automated actions
The following steps can be accomplished by using this script:

h4. How to Fulfill Appropriate Actions in the Server Backup User Interface
h4. How to fulfill appropriate actions in the Server Backup Manager user interface
Below, you can find the steps to take in the program user interface in order to perform the same actions as the script. Also see the accompanying screen-shots illustrating the scripts for each step.

h5. Retrieving a User
h5. Retrieving a user account
########====Get User Start====########
########====Get User Start====########

h5. Retrieving Sservers

h5. Retrieving Vvolumes

!Users list_User details pane_Volumes tab outlined_English.png!
h5. Retrieving Disk Safes
h5. Retrieving disk safes
########====Get DiskSafes Start====########
########====Get DiskSafes Start====########

h5. Retrieving Ppolicies
########====Get policies Start====########
########====Get policies Start====########

h5. Deleting the Policies, Disk Safes, and User
h5. Deleting the policies, disk safes, and user account

!Successfully deleted user_English.png!
h5. Deleting Server
h5. Deleting a server
########====Delete Agent Start====########
########====Delete Agent Start====########

3. The Server will disappear from the system.
h5. Deleting Vvolumes
########====Delete Volumes Start====########
########====Delete Volumes Start====########

!Successfully deleted volume_English.png!
{newversion} In a few moments, the volume record disappears from the "Volumes" list. {newversion} Volumes list.