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* Archive data
*Server Backup Manager allows you to store your disk safes Disk Safes on:*
* Primary hard disks. The disk safes Disk Safes are automatically excluded from the replication.
* Secondary (backup) hard disks
* USB drives
* USB drives
* Network Attached Storages (NAS), e.g., NFS, CIFS/Windows share, etc.
* Network Attached Storage (NAS), such as NFS, CIFS/Windows share, etc.
*With Server Backup Manager, you can:*
* Select devices on the host for replication
* Define which files/folders on a device will be replicated. By default, all files and folders on the selected device are backed up (you can exclude file(s)/folder(s) and define complex exclude rules)
* Define which files and folders on a device will be replicated, and exclude files and folders using complex exclude rules. (By default, all files and folders on the selected device are backed up.)
* Create a one-time or scheduled replication
* Define disk space (soft and hard) quotas
* Define soft and hard disk space quotas
* Assign one (1) or several data protection policies to a host
* Define recovery point retention for each policy
* Browse files on disk safes Disk Safes
* Track disk safes Disk Safes with built-in, on-disk journaling
* Merge or delete recovery points
* Restore all or selected files/folders from any recovery point
* Export the selected files/folders from any recovery point and save the extracted files/folders to an off-site server or local hard disk
* Restore all or selected files/folders from any recovery point
* Export the selected files/folders from any recovery point and save the extracted files/folders to an off-site server or local hard disk
* Copy disk safes Disk Safes between the Server Backup Manager installations. Disk sSafes can be moved and copied like regular folders.