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*To download the Windows Backup Agent software*:
# Access and then log Log in to the R1Soft Customer Portal at [https://dist.r1soft.com/download/|https://dist.r1soft.com/download/].
# On the Downloads page, locate the *Backup Agent* product group.
# Click *32-bit (x86)* for 32-bit binary hardware/OS or click *64-bit (x86_64/AMD64)* for 64-bit binary hardware/OS. (If you are unsure of your Windows version, see [Check Windows bit version].)
# Click *32-bit (x86)* for 32-bit binary hardware/OS or click *64-bit (x86_64/AMD64)* for 64-bit binary hardware/OS. (If you are unsure of your Windows version, see [Check Windows bit version].)