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2. In the Policy menu, click *Create New Policy*. DCC displays the Create New Policy window. This window contains the following tabs:
3. The "Create New Policy" window will open. It contains the following tabs:
* *Policy Settings*
* *Data Retention*
* *Data Retention*

{info:title=Note}Depending on the limits, defined for the Disk Safe to which the current Policy is assigned, some of the tabs might be disabled. See [Creating Disk Safes [ServerBackup:Create disk safes in Data Center Console] DCC]
{info}4. Define the following settings specific to the new Policy:
{info}4. Define the following settings specific to the new Policy:

On this tab, you can set the Recovery Points to Retain and create an Archiving Schedule.
{info:title=Note}The Recovery Point limit you set on this tab cannot be greater than the limit defined for the current Disk Safe. See [Creating Disk Safes [ServerBackup:Create disk safes in Data Center Console]. DCC].