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1. In the Main menu, click *Users*.
2. In the "Users" list, find the appropriate User and click on the "Edit" icon in the "Actions" column for this User.
2. In the Users list, find the appropriate user, and then click the Edit icon in the Actions column for this user.
{info:title=Note}To find a Uuser, you can use the Basic and Advanced List Filters. See [ServerBackup:Customize the Users list].
{info:title=Note}In the *Advanced* Backup Manager, there are only Super-Users.
{info:title=Note}In the *Advanced* Backup Manager, there are only Super-Users.
In the *Enterprise* Backup Manager, Power-Users can see only their Sub-Users. Super-Users can see all Uusers in the system.
3. The "Edit User" window will open.
SBM displays the Edit User window.
43. Type the new email to the "Email" *Email* field.
5. Click on "Save" to save the changes.
4. Click *Save* to save the changes.
!Edit User_Save button_English.png!
{info:title=Note}After clicking on "Save" or "Cancel," you are returned to the Users List.
{info}{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to edit User's email in Server Backup.{excerpt}
{info}{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to edit User's email in Server Backup.{excerpt}
{info:title=Note}After clicking *Save* or *Cancel*, SBM returns to the Users list.
{info}{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to edit a user's email account properties in Server Backup Manager.{excerpt}
{info}{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to edit a user's email account properties in Server Backup Manager.{excerpt}