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View Page HistoryDetaching a [disk safe|Manage Disk Safes] deletes the disk safe configuration from Server Backup Manager. All configured tasks and historical task information is lost, but the disk safe and all backed up data remains on the disk and the disk safe folder is maintained.
Detaching a [Disk Safe|Manage Disk Safes] deletes the Disk Safe configuration from Server Backup Manager. All configured tasks and historical task information is lost, but the Disk Safe and all backed up data remains on the disk and the Disk Safe folder is maintained.
{info:title=Note}You can detach only [closed|ServerBackup:Close disk safes] or disabled disk safes. Disk Safes.
Use the following steps to detach a disk safe in Disk Safe in Server Backup Manager.
1. In the Main menu, click *Disk Safes*.
2. Select a disk safe you Disk Safe you want to detach, and then click the *Close Selected* button. The state indicator turns red, as shown in the following image.
!Disk Safe list_Close Selected button_English.png!

!Successfully closed disk safe_English.png!
6. After closing, you can safely detach the disk safe. Disk Safe. Click the *Detach* icon for the appropriate disk safe in Disk Safe in the *Actions* column.
!Disk Safe list_Detach icon_2_Closed Disk Safe_English.png!
{info:title=Tip}To find a disk safe, Disk Safe, you can use the Basic and Advanced List Filters. For more information about customizing the Disk Safes list, see [ServerBackup:Customize the Disk Safes list].
You can detach several disk safes Disk Safes at once. For more information about detaching several disk safes Disk Safes at once, see [Bulk Removal|#bulk].
7. Confirm your request to detach the disk safe by Disk Safe by clicking *Detach* in the displayed confirmation window.
!Detach Disk Safe window_Detach button_English.png!

!Successfully detached disk safe_English.png!
9. SBM stops displaying the disk safe in Disk Safe in the Disk Safes list.
!Disk Safe list_1 item left after detaching_English.png!

You can also detach Disk Safes using the "Disk Safes" tab of the Server "Details" Pane. This screen provides the same functionality as the main "Disk Safes" screen. See more information in [Access servers].
{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to detach disk safe configuration Disk Safe configuration but leave all backed up data on disk in Server Backup Manager.{excerpt}