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on Mar 12, 2014 13:24.

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Note that all new devices are automatically added during a New Disk Safe [creation|Creating Disk Safes]. [creation|ServerBackup:Create disk safes]. You can see those devices in the "Devices On Server" area.
Adding Devices procedure is performed in cases when the "Automatically add new devices" option has been unchecked during a Disk Safe [creation|Creating Disk Safes]. [creation|ServerBackup:Create disk safes]. Note that this option is enabled by default.

See the description in [Access devices].
{info:title=Tip}To display the details about the device, click on the "Detail" icon of device in the list. See [Accessing Devices]. [ServerBackup:Access devices].
4. Click on the "Add" icon. This will assign the Device to the Disk Safe.The Devices will appear in the "Devices In Disk Safe".
!Edit DiskSafe_Devices On Server_Save button_2_English.png!

{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to add Server's Device(s) to the Disk Safe via the Server Backup interface.{excerpt}
{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to add server devices to the disk safe in Server Backup Manager.{excerpt}