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5. On most modern CD-recorders the process should does not last more than five minutes.
When the process is finished, the Windows Disk Image Burner window will report about this and the CD will be ejected from the drive. You can take this CD and boot from it.

8. On most modern CD-recorders the process should does not last more than five minutes. When the process is finished, the Burn ISO image window will report about this and the CD will be ejected from the drive. You can take this CD and boot from it.

7. When the utility shows the final window, you can take the disk and boot from it. The entire process should does not last more than five minutes on the most modern CD-recorders.

5. On most modern CD-recorders the process should does not last more than five minutes. When the process is finished, the K3b window and the upper-left corner indicator will inform about it and the CD will be ejected from the drive. You can take this CD and boot from it.