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View Page HistoryAfter you have booted your Server from Bare Metal Live CD or PXE boot, and [configured the network|Configure the network for bare-metal restore], you should start the Backup Manager and make sure that the Manager has access to the backup data (Disk Safe). Follow the instructions below.
After you boot your server from the Bare Metal Live CD or PXE boot, and you [configured the network|Configure the network for bare-metal restore], start the Backup Manager and make sure that the Manager has access to the backup data on the disk safe. User the following steps.

h3. Starting the Backup Manager
1. Before starting the Manager, you should set up the username and password for the Web Interface. Execute the following command:
{code}r1soft-setup --user <username> --pass <password>{code}

The command should run runs successfully, because the kernel on Live CD supports a lot of different file systems, including Linux EXT3, EXT4, ReiserFS and Windows NTFS.
Now you can proceed to attaching the Disk Safe in the manager web interface ([see further|#attachds]).

2. When prompted, press on the <Y> on the keyboard and then <Enter> to start installation. When the installation is completed, your screen should look like this: appears similar to the following image:

3. Error messages are safe to ignore.
4. When the installation is completed, your screen should look like this: appears similar to the following image:

!Attach Existing Disk Safe window_filled out_English.png!
5. In a few seconds you should see the message "Successfully opened disk safe." Click "OK."
5. In a few seconds, the system displays the message, "Successfully opened disk safe." Click *OK*.
!Successfully opened disk safe_English.png!
You can proceed to restore the Server from the data contained in the Disk Safe. See [Launch a bare-metal restore|Launch a bare-metal restore].{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to configure Bare-Metal Restore Manager.{excerpt}