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2. The "Basic List Filter" window opens.
|| Free, Advanced Edition || Enterprise Edition ||
| !Task History_Advanced_Basic List Filter_English.png! | !Task History_Basic List Filter_English.png! |
| !Task History_Advanced_Basic List Filter_English.png! | !Task History_Basic List Filter_English.png! |
!Task History_Basic List Filter_English.png!
3. Define one or several filter options:
* *State* \- Select this check-box to define Task State criteria. The following options are available if the "State" is checked:
* *State* \- Select this check-box to define Task State criteria. The following options are available if the "State" is checked:

** *Begin* \- Select the first date in the date range. Use the pull-down calendar or type in the required date. The Tasks finished on this date and after it will be displayed. Example: {{Nov 27, 2010}}.
** *End* \- Select the last date in the date range. Use the pull-down calendar or type in the required date. The Tasks finished on this date and before it will be displayed. Example: {{Nov 29, 2010}}.
** *End* \- Select the last date in the date range. Use the pull-down calendar or type in the required date. The Tasks finished on this date and before it will be displayed. Example: {{Nov 29, 2010}}.
* *Servers* ({color:#fd4703}{*}Enterprise Edition{*}{color}) - \- Select this check-box to filter by assigned Server. Select a Server from the drop-down menu and click "Add."
4. Once the filter criteria are defined, click "Filter."
|| Free, Advanced Edition || Enterprise Edition ||
| !Task History_Advanced_Basic List Filter_Task Type selected_English.png! | !Task History_Basic List Filter_Task Type selected_English.png! |
| !Task History_Advanced_Basic List Filter_Task Type selected_English.png! | !Task History_Basic List Filter_Task Type selected_English.png! |
!Task History_Basic List Filter_Task Type selected_English.png!
{info:title=Note}To cancel the filter settings, click the "Show All" link. !11.png! {info}
{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to hide and show columns, sort rows, manage items per page, and filter the Task History list in Server Backup Manager.{excerpt}