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Changes (21)
View Page HistoryThis example provides you a PHP script for getting a license pool and a return code for this script.
The script shows how to retrieve information about a license pool.
The script allows you to retrieve information about a license pool.
Make sure you specify the following variables:

h4. Response Example
Here is an example of a response to the XML-RPC request:
{code}Array (
[Server Backup - Enterprise for Physical Servers SB250 (up to 250 servers) Capacity] => 0
[Enabled] => 1
[Server Backup - Enterprise for Virtual Servers SBV50 (up to 50 VMs) Capacity] => 0
[Server Backup - Enterprise for Virtual Servers SBV250 (up to 250 VMs) Capacity] => 0
[Server Backup - Enterprise for Physical Servers SB10 (up to 10 servers) Capacity] => 0
[Server Backup - Enterprise for Physical Servers SB100 (up to 100 servers) Capacity] => 0
[Database Add-ons Available] => 0
[Server Backup - Enterprise for Physical Servers SBX (unlimited site license for physical servers) Capacity] => 0
[Virtual Servers Capacity] => 0
[Server Backup - Enterprise for Virtual Servers SBVX (unlimited site license for virtual servers) Capacity] => 0
[Physical Servers Available] => 3
[Server Backup - Enterprise for Physical Servers SB5 (up to 5 servers) Capacity] => 0
[unknown Available] => 10
[ID] => retertwre-432423-2342-be53-23423424234
[Server Backup - Enterprise for Virtual Servers SBV1000 (up to 1000 VMs) Capacity] => 0
[Physical Servers Capacity] => 50
[Server Backup - Enterprise for Physical Servers SB25 (up to 25 servers) Capacity] => 0 ){code}