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*For Windows Users:*
\--Obtaining the hotfix files --
1. Create a new folder: (example)
c:\idera-hotfix\ c:\r1soft-hotfix\
2. Download the following zip file to the new folder:

Open an elevated command prompt.
\-Click the Start button and search for “cmd”.
\-You’ll see cmd.exe appear under Programs.
\-Right-click “cmd.exe” and choose “Run As Administrator”
4. Close all disk safes that will receive the hotfix.
[Wiki Article|http://wiki.r1soft.com/display/ServerBackup/Close+Disk+Safes]
5. From the command prompt, change directories to the working folder.
cd c:\idera-hotfix c:\r1soft-hotfix
6. Run the included batch file against all disk safes you intend to update, using the following method:
{noformat} [c:\path\to\.BAT] [C:\path\to\cdp\install] [C:\path\to\disk\safe] {noformat} {noformat}Example:
Install directory = {{c:\Program Files\Idera Server Backup}}
Disk safe directory = {{c:\Backups\DiskSafe1}}
Disk safe directory = {{c:\Backups\DiskSafe1}}
The command would be :
{{c:\idera-hotfix\mysql-instance-association-fix.bat {{c:\r1soft-hotfix\mysql-instance-association-fix.bat c:\Program Files\Idera Server Backup c:\Backups\DiskSafe1}}
7. Repeat step 6 for each disk safe you intend to update.
8. When the hotfix is successfully applied, you can now re-open the disk safe(s).
Disk safes \-> Select all disk safes to be opened \-> Click “Open Selected”.
9. Verify that “Browse Database” button is enabled.

*For Linux Users:*
\--Obtaining the hotfix files --
1. Create a new folder: (example)
{{# mkdir /root/idera-hotfix}}
{{\# mkdir /root/r1soft-hotfix}}
2. Change directories to the working folder.
{{# cd /root/idera-hotfix}}
{{\# cd /root/r1soft-hotfix}}
3. Download the following zip file to the new folder:

5. Close all disk safes that will receive the hotfix.
[Wiki Article|http://wiki.r1soft.com/display/ServerBackup/Close+Disk+Safes]
6. Run the included script against all disk safes you intend to update, using the following method:
{noformat} [/path/to/.sh] [/path/to/install/directory] [/path/to/disk/safe] {noformat} {noformat}Example:
Install directory = {{/usr/sbin/r1soft}}
Disk safe directory = {{/Backups/DiskSafe1}}
The command would be :
Disk safe directory = {{/Backups/DiskSafe1}}
The command would be :
{{\# sh ./mysql-instance-association-fix.sh /usr/sbin/r1soft /Backups/DiskSafe1}}
7. Repeat step 6 for each disk safe you intend to update.
8. When the hotfix is successfully applied, you can now re-open the disk safe(s).
Disk safes \-> Select all disk safes to be opened \-> Click “Open Selected”.
9. Verify that “Browse Database” button is enabled.

Fix Scheduled for Future Release
Fix Scheduled for Future Release