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* *Password* \- the administrative account password on the target SBM server
* *API Port* \- the SOAP API port on the target SBM server
* *API Port* \- the SOAP API port on the target SBM server
* *Use SSL* \- setting allowing the administrator to control specify whether the SOAP API uses SSL network encryption (found in *Configuration* > *API Server Options* of the target SBM server)
h2. Replicating SBM Server Data
Backup data is replicated at the Volume or Disk Safe level. In order to replicate a Volume or Disk Safe, replication must be enabled within the Volume or Disk Safe. These settings can be found in the "Replication" tab of the "Edit Volume" or "Edit Disk Safe" user interfaces. Once you have selected a "Replication Type" of "Remote Replication", options will be displayed to specify the "Target Server" configured earlier in the *Outbound Remote Replication Options*.
Site-to-Site Replication occurs automatically once configured. All backup tasks resulting in changes to the Volumes or Disk Safes are propagated to the remote SBM server. Replicated data is stored on the target SBM server within the the directory specified in its *Remote Replication Options* under "Default Replication Path".