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You can access the Dashboard by typing the Server IP in the browser address bar. For example: [], [https://localhost], [http://localhost:8080].{info}
You can access the Dashboard by typing the Server IP in the browser address bar. For example: [], [https://localhost], [http://localhost:8080].{info}
The following window will appear:
The "Dashboard" contains the following elements:
* *Main Menu Panes *\- Provides access to the major functions of the system.
* *Servers & Policies* \- Provides access to Servers and Policies.
* *Storage* \- Provides information about used and free space, and the capacity for each Device. It also shows the percentage of deduplicated files.
* *Restores* \- Provides information about Restores.
* *Trial Time Left* \- Provides information on how many days of the Trial Period are left. It also shows the number of used and remaining physical and virtual Servers.
* *Activity* \- Provides information on tasks currently being performed.
* *Performance* \- Provides information on the average duration and number of backups. Also shows a real-time task's chart if it is currently being performed.
The layout can be changed by using one of the three buttons located in the upper right corner of the Backup Manager window.
!Dashboard_layout changer_English.png!
You can also change the location of any widget by dragging and dropping it.
!Dashboard_drag and drop_English.png!
h3. *Servers & Policies*
The "*Servers & Policies*" widget is visible for all users. It shows the number of added Servers and the number of Policies with different states.
!Servers and Policies widget_English.png!
With the help of this widget, users can access the information related to Servers and Policies.
These numbers function as links. For example, you can click the "Servers" link to access the Servers list. See more in [ServerBackup:Access servers].
!Servers and Policies widget_Servers selected_English.png!
You can also click the following links to access information concerning Policies:
* *Policies* \- Lists all available Policies. See more in [Access policies].
* *Failed* \- Lists only Policies with any errors that occurred during the backup process. See also [View log messages] and [Access log files].
* *Warning* \- Lists only Policies with any warnings that occurred during the backup process. See also [View log messages] and [Access log files].
* *Disabled* \- Lists only Policies that were disabled manually. See more in [Disable policies].
You can collapse the "*Servers & Policies*" widget by clicking the "Less" link in the upper right corner.
!Servers and Policies widget_Less link_English.png!
As a result, you will see the following:
!Servers and Policies widget_collapsed_English.png!
The "*Servers*" area provides the following information:
* *Windows* \- The number of added Windows Servers.
* *Linux* \- The number of added Linux Servers.
* *Physical* \- Shows how many Servers are physical among all the available Servers.
* *Virtual* \- Shows how many Servers are virtual among all the available Servers.
h3. *Storage*
The "*Storage*" widget is visible only to Super Users. It provides the following information:
* *Total* \- The total capacity of the disk.
* *Used* \- The space used by various data.
* *Backups* \- The space occupied by backups.
* *Deduplicate* \- The space saved by the deduplication procedure, which, if enabled, performs during every backup process. This feature is enabled during Disk Safe creation. For more information, see [Create Disk Safes].
!Storage widget_English.png!
You can also hover the mouse pointer the circle to see additional information about disk usage in percentages.
!Storage widget_tip_English.png!
h3. *Restores*
The "*Restores*" widget is visible only to Super Users. It provides the following information:
* *File Restores* \- Shows the number of File Restore tasks that have been performed. It also includes tasks that ended with errors.
* *Bare-Metal Restores* \- Shows the number of Bare-Metal Restore tasks that have been performed. It also includes tasks that ended with errors.
* *Active Restores* \- Shows the currently running Restore tasks.
!Restores widget_English.png!
h3. *Trial Time Left*
The "*Trial Time Left*" widget is visible only to Super Users. It provides the following information:
* *Days Left* \- Shows how many days are left to use the Backup Manager in the 14-day trial period. Once the trial period ends, you won't be able to use the program. See [Activate Server Backup Manager].
* *License Now* \- Use this button to activate your Backup manager or purchase a license.
* *Physical Servers* \- Shows how many *physical* Servers are used and how many Servers are available to be added according to your license limitations.
* *Virtual Servers* \- Shows how many *virtual* Servers are used and how many Servers are available to be added according to your license limitations.
* *Buy More* \- Use this link to purchase a license.
!Trial Time Left widget_English.png!
You can collapse the "*Trial Time Left*" widget by clicking the "Less" link in the upper right corner.
!Trial Time Left widget_Less link_English.png!
As a result, you will see the following:
!Trial Time Left widget_collapsed_English.png!
After clicking the "Buy More" link, you will be redirected to the official R1Soft site.
!Idera site_Pricing.png!
h3. *Activity*
The "*Activity*" widget is visible for all users. You can see the list of active tasks here. The following columns are presented:
* *State* \- The current state of the task. For example, it can be "Running."
* *Type* \- The task's type. The following types are available:
** *Data Protection Policy* \- Shown if a Data Protection task was started. See [Run policies].
** *Restore Files* \- Shown if a Restore Files task was started. See [Restore files].
** *Archive Recovery Points* \- Shown if an Archive Recovery Points task was started. See [Run archive policies].
** *Merge Recovery Points* \- Shown if a Merge Recovery Points task was started. See [Merge recovery points].
** *Disk Safe Verification* \- Shown if a Disk Safe Verification task was started. See [Run Disk Safe verification].
** *Bare-Metal Restore* \- Shown if a Bare-Metal Restore task was started. See [Launching Bare-Metal Restore|Launch a bare-metal restore].
** {color:#35383d}{*}Vacuum{*}{color}{color:#35383d} \- Shown if a Vacuum task was started. See {color}{color:#35383d}[Vacuum Disk Safes]{color}{color:#35383d}.{color}
** {color:#35383d}{*}Task History Clean Up{*}{color}{color:#35383d} \- Shown if a Task History Clean-up task was started. See {color}{color:#35383d}[Task History]{color}{color:#35383d}.{color}
** {color:#35383d}{*}Restore Control Panel User Data{*}{color}{color:#35383d} \- Shown if a Restore Control Panel User Data task was started. See {color}{color:#35383d}[Download control panel user data as an archive]{color}{color:#35383d} and {color}{color:#35383d}[Send control panel account backup to Control Panel Home for end-users|Send control panel account backup to Control Panel Home for end-users]{color}{color:#35383d}.{color}
** {color:#35383d}{*}Reporting{*}{color}{color:#35383d} \- Shown if a Reporting task was started. See {color}{color:#35383d}[Generate reports]{color}{color:#35383d}.{color}
** {color:#35383d}{*}Database Restore{*}{color}{color:#35383d} \- Shown if a Database Restore task was started. See {color}{color:#35383d}[Restore SQL Server]{color}{color:#35383d} and {color}{color:#35383d}[Restore MySQL]{color}{color:#35383d}.{color}
** *Exchange Restore* \- Shown if an Exchange Restore task was started. See [Restore Microsoft Exchange].
* *Server Name* \- The name of the Server that is currently backing up.
* *Start Time* \- The date and time of the task's start.
* *Detail* \- Click this icon to see the details of this task. You can also see this task in the Task History. See [Access Task History].
!Activity widget_English.png!
h3. *Performance*
The "Performance" widget is visible only to Super Users. Provides the following information:
* *Average backup time* \- Shows the average calculated time of a backup procedure.
* *Backups in the last 24 hours* \- Shows the number of backups performed during the last 24 hours.
* *Transfer Activity* \- Shows a real-time task's chart. The following chart colors are available:
** *Green -* For replication procedures.
** *Brown -* For Restore procedures.
** *Blue -* For a total view.
!Performance widget_English.png!
{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to use the Server Backup Manager Dashboard. {excerpt}
* *Servers & Policies* \- Provides access to Servers and Policies.
* *Storage* \- Provides information about used and free space, and the capacity for each Device. It also shows the percentage of deduplicated files.
* *Restores* \- Provides information about Restores.
* *Trial Time Left* \- Provides information on how many days of the Trial Period are left. It also shows the number of used and remaining physical and virtual Servers.
* *Activity* \- Provides information on tasks currently being performed.
* *Performance* \- Provides information on the average duration and number of backups. Also shows a real-time task's chart if it is currently being performed.
The layout can be changed by using one of the three buttons located in the upper right corner of the Backup Manager window.
!Dashboard_layout changer_English.png!
You can also change the location of any widget by dragging and dropping it.
!Dashboard_drag and drop_English.png!
h3. *Servers & Policies*
The "*Servers & Policies*" widget is visible for all users. It shows the number of added Servers and the number of Policies with different states.
!Servers and Policies widget_English.png!
With the help of this widget, users can access the information related to Servers and Policies.
These numbers function as links. For example, you can click the "Servers" link to access the Servers list. See more in [ServerBackup:Access servers].
!Servers and Policies widget_Servers selected_English.png!
You can also click the following links to access information concerning Policies:
* *Policies* \- Lists all available Policies. See more in [Access policies].
* *Failed* \- Lists only Policies with any errors that occurred during the backup process. See also [View log messages] and [Access log files].
* *Warning* \- Lists only Policies with any warnings that occurred during the backup process. See also [View log messages] and [Access log files].
* *Disabled* \- Lists only Policies that were disabled manually. See more in [Disable policies].
You can collapse the "*Servers & Policies*" widget by clicking the "Less" link in the upper right corner.
!Servers and Policies widget_Less link_English.png!
As a result, you will see the following:
!Servers and Policies widget_collapsed_English.png!
The "*Servers*" area provides the following information:
* *Windows* \- The number of added Windows Servers.
* *Linux* \- The number of added Linux Servers.
* *Physical* \- Shows how many Servers are physical among all the available Servers.
* *Virtual* \- Shows how many Servers are virtual among all the available Servers.
h3. *Storage*
The "*Storage*" widget is visible only to Super Users. It provides the following information:
* *Total* \- The total capacity of the disk.
* *Used* \- The space used by various data.
* *Backups* \- The space occupied by backups.
* *Deduplicate* \- The space saved by the deduplication procedure, which, if enabled, performs during every backup process. This feature is enabled during Disk Safe creation. For more information, see [Create Disk Safes].
!Storage widget_English.png!
You can also hover the mouse pointer the circle to see additional information about disk usage in percentages.
!Storage widget_tip_English.png!
h3. *Restores*
The "*Restores*" widget is visible only to Super Users. It provides the following information:
* *File Restores* \- Shows the number of File Restore tasks that have been performed. It also includes tasks that ended with errors.
* *Bare-Metal Restores* \- Shows the number of Bare-Metal Restore tasks that have been performed. It also includes tasks that ended with errors.
* *Active Restores* \- Shows the currently running Restore tasks.
!Restores widget_English.png!
h3. *Trial Time Left*
The "*Trial Time Left*" widget is visible only to Super Users. It provides the following information:
* *Days Left* \- Shows how many days are left to use the Backup Manager in the 14-day trial period. Once the trial period ends, you won't be able to use the program. See [Activate Server Backup Manager].
* *License Now* \- Use this button to activate your Backup manager or purchase a license.
* *Physical Servers* \- Shows how many *physical* Servers are used and how many Servers are available to be added according to your license limitations.
* *Virtual Servers* \- Shows how many *virtual* Servers are used and how many Servers are available to be added according to your license limitations.
* *Buy More* \- Use this link to purchase a license.
!Trial Time Left widget_English.png!
You can collapse the "*Trial Time Left*" widget by clicking the "Less" link in the upper right corner.
!Trial Time Left widget_Less link_English.png!
As a result, you will see the following:
!Trial Time Left widget_collapsed_English.png!
After clicking the "Buy More" link, you will be redirected to the official R1Soft site.
!Idera site_Pricing.png!
h3. *Activity*
The "*Activity*" widget is visible for all users. You can see the list of active tasks here. The following columns are presented:
* *State* \- The current state of the task. For example, it can be "Running."
* *Type* \- The task's type. The following types are available:
** *Data Protection Policy* \- Shown if a Data Protection task was started. See [Run policies].
** *Restore Files* \- Shown if a Restore Files task was started. See [Restore files].
** *Archive Recovery Points* \- Shown if an Archive Recovery Points task was started. See [Run archive policies].
** *Merge Recovery Points* \- Shown if a Merge Recovery Points task was started. See [Merge recovery points].
** *Disk Safe Verification* \- Shown if a Disk Safe Verification task was started. See [Run Disk Safe verification].
** *Bare-Metal Restore* \- Shown if a Bare-Metal Restore task was started. See [Launching Bare-Metal Restore|Launch a bare-metal restore].
** {color:#35383d}{*}Vacuum{*}{color}{color:#35383d} \- Shown if a Vacuum task was started. See {color}{color:#35383d}[Vacuum Disk Safes]{color}{color:#35383d}.{color}
** {color:#35383d}{*}Task History Clean Up{*}{color}{color:#35383d} \- Shown if a Task History Clean-up task was started. See {color}{color:#35383d}[Task History]{color}{color:#35383d}.{color}
** {color:#35383d}{*}Restore Control Panel User Data{*}{color}{color:#35383d} \- Shown if a Restore Control Panel User Data task was started. See {color}{color:#35383d}[Download control panel user data as an archive]{color}{color:#35383d} and {color}{color:#35383d}[Send control panel account backup to Control Panel Home for end-users|Send control panel account backup to Control Panel Home for end-users]{color}{color:#35383d}.{color}
** {color:#35383d}{*}Reporting{*}{color}{color:#35383d} \- Shown if a Reporting task was started. See {color}{color:#35383d}[Generate reports]{color}{color:#35383d}.{color}
** {color:#35383d}{*}Database Restore{*}{color}{color:#35383d} \- Shown if a Database Restore task was started. See {color}{color:#35383d}[Restore SQL Server]{color}{color:#35383d} and {color}{color:#35383d}[Restore MySQL]{color}{color:#35383d}.{color}
** *Exchange Restore* \- Shown if an Exchange Restore task was started. See [Restore Microsoft Exchange].
* *Server Name* \- The name of the Server that is currently backing up.
* *Start Time* \- The date and time of the task's start.
* *Detail* \- Click this icon to see the details of this task. You can also see this task in the Task History. See [Access Task History].
!Activity widget_English.png!
h3. *Performance*
The "Performance" widget is visible only to Super Users. Provides the following information:
* *Average backup time* \- Shows the average calculated time of a backup procedure.
* *Backups in the last 24 hours* \- Shows the number of backups performed during the last 24 hours.
* *Transfer Activity* \- Shows a real-time task's chart. The following chart colors are available:
** *Green -* For replication procedures.
** *Brown -* For Restore procedures.
** *Blue -* For a total view.
!Performance widget_English.png!
{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to use the Server Backup Manager Dashboard. {excerpt}
* *Dash Board Widgets *\- Provides summary status of tasks, disk usage, disk I/O, backup performance, and CPU/Memory utilization.
* *Notifications* \- Shortcut to alerts.
* *User drop down * \- Provides access to account settings, Archive credentials, online help, and log out.
* *Activities* \- Status of current and recently completed tasks.
* *Notifications* \- Shortcut to alerts.
* *User drop down * \- Provides access to account settings, Archive credentials, online help, and log out.
* *Activities* \- Status of current and recently completed tasks.