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{color:#000000}You can also select the{color} {color:#000000}{*}Use 14-day Trial License{*}{color}{color:#000000} option. In this case, the Backup Manager functionality will be available to you for 14 days without limitations. Once the trial period ends, you will not be able to use the Backup Manager.{color} !License Activation - 14 day.png|border=1!
!License Activation - 14 day.png|border=1!
Follow the instructions below to activate Server Backup Manager.
Follow the instructions below to activate Server Backup Manager.
1. In the Main Menu, click *Advanced Options* and then *License Information*. Check whether your license is expired and click the *Activate License* button. !License Information - Activate License.png|border=1!
!License Information - Activate License.png|border=1!
If the license is expired, you will not be able to use the Backup Manager's functionality. If you try to create a policy, an error will be displayed.

2. Select the *Activate License Key* option in the _License Activation_ window and click the *Next* button.
3. The next screen will prompt you for the *Product Key* and *Server Description*. !License Activation - enter license details.png|border=1!
!License Activation - enter license details.png|border=1!
Enter the Product Key you received from the R1Soft sales team in the *Product Key* field. You can enter an optional server description in the *Server Description* field.
* *Product Key* \- This is the 32-character product activation code and is formatted alphanumerically. It is best to copy and paste this code into the field.
* *Product Key* \- This is the 32-character product activation code and is formatted alphanumerically. It is best to copy and paste this code into the field.