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You may be informed by email about new version releases of Server Backup Manager software. New versions are improved by bug fixes and new/reworked functionality. All enhancements made to the product are documented in the *[release notes|Release Notes]*. Release notes are usually a brief summary of recent changes, enhancements, and bug fixes in a particular software release.
{info:title=Note}You can view the release notes here: [ServerBackup:Server Backup Manager Release Notes].
{info:title=Note}You can view the release notes here: [ServerBackupManager:Release Notes]
We assume that you have a server running the Linux Backup Agent 5.0.2 or an earlier version and that you used the automatic method to install the Backup Agent so that the Backup Agent packages repository is already added to the configuration. You can read about how to configure Server Backup packages repository in [Install Backup Agent on Linux].
{note:title=Notice}To upgrade the Backup Agent, you do *not* need to uninstall the previous version. It is safe to upgrade Linux Backup Agent on an active, running Server. After the upgrade is complete, a reboot is not required. All your licenses, settings, etc. will remain unchanged.