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3. When the _Edit Policy_ window displays, select the _MySQL_ tab. For the MySQL instance you want to edit, click the corresponding _Actions_ icon and select *Edit*. !Edit Policy - MySQL Edit.png!
4. The _Edit Database Instance_ window displays. Each section in this window is the same as the sections in the _Add Database Instance_ window. For information about these sections, refer to [Add a MySQL instance to a policy]. !Edit Database Instance window.png|border=1!
4. The _Edit Database Instance_ window displays. Each section in this window is the same as the sections in the _Add Database Instance_ window. For information about these sections, refer to [Add a MySQL instance to a policy]. !Edit Database Instance window.png|border=1!
65. Once you have finished editing the MySQL instance settings, click the *Save* button.
76. The _Edit Database Instance_ window closes and the _Edit Policy_ window displays. Click the *Save* button in this window to save the policy.
{info:title=Note}If you click *Cancel* in the _Edit Policy_ window, no MySQL instance changes will be saved.