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View Page HistoryServer Backup Manager task history provides details about tasks such as running a data protection policy or merging recovery points.
The _Task History_ screen in Server Backup Manager displays a list of the most recent tasks performed by all of your protected machines, such as running a retention policy or merging recovery points.
To access the _Task History_ screen, access the _Dashboard_ page, refer to the _Activity Monitor_ on the right side of the page, and click the *View More* link at the bottom of the activities list. !Dashboard - View More.png!
You can also access the _Task History_ screen by manually adding the {{/TaskHistory/}} folder to the Backup Manager address in the browser address bar, such as []. Note that the address is case sensitive.
From the Task History screen, you can:
* View a list of the most recent tasks performed by your protected machines.
* Filter the displayed tasks by task type and state, or use advanced filters to display tasks using multiple search criteria.
* Click the *Actions* icon to download the corresponding task details or rerun the specific task.
* Click a task's corresponding *>* icon to access additional details for a specific task without leaving the _Task History_ screen. !Task History screen.png|border=1!
You can also access the _Task History_ screen by manually adding the {{/TaskHistory/}} folder to the Backup Manager address in the browser address bar, such as []. Note that the address is case sensitive.
From the Task History screen, you can:
* View a list of the most recent tasks performed by your protected machines.
* Filter the displayed tasks by task type and state, or use advanced filters to display tasks using multiple search criteria.
* Click the *Actions* icon to download the corresponding task details or rerun the specific task.
* Click a task's corresponding *>* icon to access additional details for a specific task without leaving the _Task History_ screen. !Task History screen.png|border=1!
*To access the Task History view in Server Backup Manager.*
In the Main Menu, click *Task History*. Server Backup Manager displays the Task History view.
{info:title=Tip}You can access the Task History view by manually appending the {{/TaskHistory/}} folder to the Backup Manager address in the browser address bar. Example: []. Note that the address is case sensitive.
The Task History view is divided into the following areas:
* *Task History menu*. Provides access to the actions related to customizing the Task History list.
* *Task History list*. Displays a list of running and finished tasks.
* *Details Pane*. Click a task in the list, and then SBM displays details in this area.
!Task History window_callouts_2_English.png!
In the Main Menu, click *Task History*. Server Backup Manager displays the Task History view.
{info:title=Tip}You can access the Task History view by manually appending the {{/TaskHistory/}} folder to the Backup Manager address in the browser address bar. Example: []. Note that the address is case sensitive.
The Task History view is divided into the following areas:
* *Task History menu*. Provides access to the actions related to customizing the Task History list.
* *Task History list*. Displays a list of running and finished tasks.
* *Details Pane*. Click a task in the list, and then SBM displays details in this area.
!Task History window_callouts_2_English.png!

The Task History list provides information about running and completed Tasks in a grid format.
{info:title=Tip}You can organize information such as filtering out the items you do not need to see. You can also sort items, limit the number of items displayed per page and specify which columns you want to display. See [ServerBackup:Customize the Task History list].
{info:title=Tip}You can organize information such as filtering out the items you do not need to see. You can also sort items, limit the number of items displayed per page and specify which columns you want to display. See [ServerBackup:Customize the Task History list].
To find out the name of a column heading, hover the mouse pointer over the column heading, without clicking it. The title will be displayed in a yellow tooltip.
{info}{newversion} !Task History list_callouts_English.png!
{info}{newversion} !Task History list_callouts_English.png!
h4. Columns:
- *State -* Graphically indicates the Task state: Queued, Running, Finished, Error, Canceled or Duplicate.
- *State*. Graphically indicates the task state: Finished, Running, Queued, Canceled, Error, or Duplicate.
-* *Finished* \- Indicates Green check indicates that a task has completed successfully.
-* *Running* \- Indicates Spinning circle indicates that a task is currently running.
-* *Queued* \- Indicates that a task is queued, waiting to be run.
-* *Cancelled* \- Indicates that a task was cancelled.
-* *Canceled* \- Crossed out circle indicates that a task was canceled.
-* *Error* \- Indicates Red X indicates that the task has completed with errors.
-* *Duplicate* \- Indicates Repeat symbol (two arrows in a circle) indicates that the task was a duplicate of a running task.
- *Alert -* Graphically indicates if an Alert was generated while the Task was running.
- *Type -* Graphically indicates Task type: Restore Files, Merge Recovery Points, Data Protection Policy, Vacuum, Data Base Restore or Bare-Metal Restore.
-* *Data Protection Policy* \- Indicates the task was a Data Protection Policy Task.
-* *File Restore Task* \- Indicates the task was a File Restore Task.
-* *Merge Recovery Points* \- Indicates the task was a Merge Recovery Points Task.
-* *Vacuum* \- Indicates the task was a Vacuum Task.
-* *Database Restore* \- Indicates the task was a Database Restore Task.
-* *Bare Metal Restore* \- Indicates the task was a Bare-Metal Restore Task.
-* *Email Reporting* \- Indicates the task was an Email Reporting Task.
-* *Archive* \- Indicates the task was an Archive Task.
-* *Delete Archive Points* \- Indicates the task was a Delete Archive Points Task.
-* *Stream Control Panel Users Archive* \- Indicates the task was a Stream Control Panel Users Task.
-* *Task History Clean Up* \- Indicates the task was a Task History Clean-up Task.
- *Name -* For Data Protection Policies, the name specified in the Policy properties is shown in this column.
- *Server Name* \- Shows the name of the Server.
- *Type -* Graphically indicates Task type: Restore Files, Merge Recovery Points, Data Protection Policy, Vacuum, Data Base Restore or Bare-Metal Restore.
-* *Data Protection Policy* \- Indicates the task was a Data Protection Policy Task.
-* *File Restore Task* \- Indicates the task was a File Restore Task.
-* *Merge Recovery Points* \- Indicates the task was a Merge Recovery Points Task.
-* *Vacuum* \- Indicates the task was a Vacuum Task.
-* *Database Restore* \- Indicates the task was a Database Restore Task.
-* *Bare Metal Restore* \- Indicates the task was a Bare-Metal Restore Task.
-* *Email Reporting* \- Indicates the task was an Email Reporting Task.
-* *Archive* \- Indicates the task was an Archive Task.
-* *Delete Archive Points* \- Indicates the task was a Delete Archive Points Task.
-* *Stream Control Panel Users Archive* \- Indicates the task was a Stream Control Panel Users Task.
-* *Task History Clean Up* \- Indicates the task was a Task History Clean-up Task.
- *Name -* For Data Protection Policies, the name specified in the Policy properties is shown in this column.
- *Server Name* \- Shows the name of the Server.
- *Alert*. If an Alert was generated while the task was running, a yellow triangle caution symbol displays in this column.
- *Type*. Displays one of the following task types:
-* Backup
-* Send Remote Replication Data
-* Restore Files
-* Merge Recovery Points
-* Database Restore
-* Exchange Restore
-* Bare Metal Restore
-* Transfer Protected Machine Logs
-* Export Recovery Point to Image
-* Retain Recovery Points
-* Task History Clean-up
-* Disk Safe Verification
-* Remote Agent Deployment
-* Disk Safe Replication
-* Reporting
-* System
-* Delete Retention Points
-* Disk Safe Export
-* Copying Disk Safe(s)
-* Disk Safe Compaction
-* Receive Remote Replication Data
-* Disk Safe Task
-* Remove Devices
- *Name*. The name specified in the Policy properties displays in this column.
- *Protected Machine Name*. Displays the name of the protected machine.
- *Type*. Displays one of the following task types:
-* Backup
-* Send Remote Replication Data
-* Restore Files
-* Merge Recovery Points
-* Database Restore
-* Exchange Restore
-* Bare Metal Restore
-* Transfer Protected Machine Logs
-* Export Recovery Point to Image
-* Retain Recovery Points
-* Task History Clean-up
-* Disk Safe Verification
-* Remote Agent Deployment
-* Disk Safe Replication
-* Reporting
-* System
-* Delete Retention Points
-* Disk Safe Export
-* Copying Disk Safe(s)
-* Disk Safe Compaction
-* Receive Remote Replication Data
-* Disk Safe Task
-* Remove Devices
- *Name*. The name specified in the Policy properties displays in this column.
- *Protected Machine Name*. Displays the name of the protected machine.
- *Scheduled -* *Scheduled*. Date and time when a Ttask was scheduled.
- *Start Time -* Time*. Date and time when a Ttask was started.
- *End Time -* For finished Tasks, the field displays the date and time when a Task was finished. For running Tasks, the field is empty.
- *Run Time -* Displays duration of a Task, for example, 45m 17s. For running Tasks, the field changes and displays the time that has passed after the Task start.
- *Actions -* Provides access to actions available for the Task.
{newversion} Download Task Details\* - Allows you to save the task details on your PC.{newversion}
- *Run Time -* Displays duration of a Task, for example, 45m 17s. For running Tasks, the field changes and displays the time that has passed after the Task start.
- *Actions -* Provides access to actions available for the Task.
{newversion} Download Task Details\* - Allows you to save the task details on your PC.{newversion}
- *Run Time*. Displays duration of a task (example: _5m 17s_). For running tasks, the field changes and displays the time that has passed after the task start.
- *Actions*. Provides access to actions available for the task.
-* *Download Task Details*. Allows you to save the task details in a *.txt* file on your PC.
-* *Rerun Task*. Allows you to rerun the selected task.
- *Actions*. Provides access to actions available for the task.
-* *Download Task Details*. Allows you to save the task details in a *.txt* file on your PC.
-* *Rerun Task*. Allows you to rerun the selected task.
h3. Details Pane
This area provides detailed information about the Ttask selected in the list. The data is presented in tabs. The following information is available:
* *Summary -* Accumulates general information about the Task including verbose status and data shown in the "Task History" list. For running Tasks, the status bar and remaining time are supplied. There is also data about Task Performance. See [View task summary].
* *Devices -* Shows the list of assigned Devices.
* *Alerts -* Contains Alerts occurred during Task run. See [View alerts].
* *Devices -* Shows the list of assigned Devices.
* *Alerts -* Contains Alerts occurred during Task run. See [View alerts].
* *Summary*. Accumulates general information about the task including verbose status and data displayed in the _Task History_ list. For running tasks, the status bar and remaining time are supplied, as well as data regarding Task Performance. See [View task summary].
* *Devices*. Displays the list of assigned devices.
* *Alerts*. Displays alerts that occurred while the task was running. See [View alerts].
* *Devices*. Displays the list of assigned devices.
* *Alerts*. Displays alerts that occurred while the task was running. See [View alerts].
* *Logs -* Shows logs *Logs*. Displays log messages received from the Backup Manager and the Backup Agent. See [View log messages].
* *Policy -* This tab is visible if the Task type is "Data Protection Policy." Shows information about the Policy.
* *File Excludes* \- This tab is visible if the Task type is "Data Protection Policy." Shows the list of the files excluded from the replication.
* *Default Excludes -* This tab is visible if the Task type is "Data Protection Policy." Shows the list of the files and folders excluded from the replication by default.
* *Merged Recovery Points -* This tab is visible if the Task type is "Data Protection Policy" or "Merge Recovery Points." Shows the list of the merged Recovery Points. See more in [Merge recovery points].
* *Tasks -* Shows details about selected Task.
* *File Excludes* \- This tab is visible if the Task type is "Data Protection Policy." Shows the list of the files excluded from the replication.
* *Default Excludes -* This tab is visible if the Task type is "Data Protection Policy." Shows the list of the files and folders excluded from the replication by default.
* *Merged Recovery Points -* This tab is visible if the Task type is "Data Protection Policy" or "Merge Recovery Points." Shows the list of the merged Recovery Points. See more in [Merge recovery points].
* *Tasks -* Shows details about selected Task.
* *Policy*. _(task type Backup only)_ Displays information about the policy.
* *File Excludes*._ (task type Backup only)_ Displays the list of the files excluded from the replication.
* *Default Excludes*. _(task type Backup only)_ Displays the list of the files and folders excluded from the replication by default.
* *Merged Recovery Points*. _(task type Merge Recovery Points only)_ Displays the list of the merged Recovery Points. See more in [Merge recovery points].
* *Tasks*. Displays details about the selected task. !Task History - Details.png|border=1!
* *File Excludes*._ (task type Backup only)_ Displays the list of the files excluded from the replication.
* *Default Excludes*. _(task type Backup only)_ Displays the list of the files and folders excluded from the replication by default.
* *Merged Recovery Points*. _(task type Merge Recovery Points only)_ Displays the list of the merged Recovery Points. See more in [Merge recovery points].
* *Tasks*. Displays details about the selected task. !Task History - Details.png|border=1!
!Task History_Details Pane_all tabs outlined_English.png!
Each tab contains a number of blocks.
{info:title=Tip}The Task results can be sent via email as a Report. See [Reporting]. [ServerBackupManager:Reports].
h4. The Summary Tab
h4. The Summary Tab
* *Data Protection Policy Summary* \- Indicates whether replication policy is completed successfully or with alerts. Shows the number of replicated and failed devices.
* *Statistics:*
** *Replication *Backup Run Time* \- Indicates total amount of replication performance time in hours, minutes, and seconds. Time needed for File Excludes is shown in brackets.
** *Total Deltas* \- Shows the ratio of received/not received Deltas.
** *Replica Types* \- Details on replica types: Manager Replication, Block Scan, Initial Replica, Repair, Devices included in multi-volume snapshot, Unknown Replica Type.
** *Replica Types* \- Details on replica types: Manager Replication, Block Scan, Initial Replica, Repair, Devices included in multi-volume snapshot, Unknown Replica Type.