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View Page HistoryServer Backup Manager allows you to reset the public key for any of the servers protected machines in your environment.
*To reset the public key for a server:* protected machin:*
# In the Main menu, click *Servers*. Server Backup Manager displays the Servers window.
# In the Servers list, click the edit icon on the row of the server on which you want to reset the public key, as shown in the following image.
!Edit Server_Edit button_English.png!
# In the Edit Server window, click *Reset Public Key*, as shown in the following image.
!Edit Server_Reset Public Key_English.png!
Server Backup Manager displays a confirmation message after the public key resets.
# In the Servers list, click the edit icon on the row of the server on which you want to reset the public key, as shown in the following image.
!Edit Server_Edit button_English.png!
# In the Edit Server window, click *Reset Public Key*, as shown in the following image.
!Edit Server_Reset Public Key_English.png!
Server Backup Manager displays a confirmation message after the public key resets.
# In the Main Menu, click *Protected Machines*. The _Protected Machines_ page displays.
# In the _Protected Machines_ list, click the _Actions_ icon for the corresponding machine for which you want to reset the public key and select *Edit Protected Machine*.
!Edit Protected Machine.png|border=1!
The _Edit Protected Machine_ window displays.
# In the _Edit Protected Machine_ window, click the *Reset Public Key* button.
!Edit Protected Machine window - Reset Public Key.png|border=1!
A confirmation message displays after the public key resets.
# In the _Protected Machines_ list, click the _Actions_ icon for the corresponding machine for which you want to reset the public key and select *Edit Protected Machine*.
!Edit Protected Machine.png|border=1!
The _Edit Protected Machine_ window displays.
# In the _Edit Protected Machine_ window, click the *Reset Public Key* button.
!Edit Protected Machine window - Reset Public Key.png|border=1!
A confirmation message displays after the public key resets.
# Click *OK* to close the confirmation window.
# Click *Save* to save your changes. SBM displays a A confirmation message displays after saving your changes.
# Click *OK* to close the confirmation window.