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View Page HistoryThe Windows Backup Agent installer automatically sets default parameters for the configuration. If you want to change the default configuration values, you can do so by using your [Windows Backup Agent Utility|About the Windows Agent Configuration Utility] or Configure Agent Options from the actions menu for the protected machine.
h5. Backup Agent Configuration Options
By default, the Backup Agent configuration file is located in
By default, the Backup Agent configuration file is located in
{{c:\Program Files\Idera Server Backup\conf\}}
{{c:\Program Files\Server Backup Agent\conf\}}

| *LocalPort* | 1167 | The Port the Backup Agent will listen on. |
| *MaximumNetworkConnections* | 32 | MaximumNetworkConnections sets the maximum number of simultaneous network connections the Backup Agent will accept at one time. This is used to limit the amount of system resources the Backup Agent will use to process new connections. |
| *MaximumNetworkConnections* | 32 | MaximumNetworkConnections sets the maximum number of simultaneous network connections the Backup Agent will accept at one time. This is used to limit the amount of system resources the Backup Agent will use to process new connections. |
| *RecoveryMode* | 0 | Disables authentication between the Backup Manager and Backup Agent. |
| *RecoveryMode* | 0 | Disables authentication between the Backup Manager and Backup Agent. Do not do this unless instructed by R1Soft Support.\\ |
{newversion}| *IPAuthentication* | 0 | Parameter that allow to check the filename in {color:blue}user.allow{color} to make sure it matches IP. \\
If set to "1," the Backup Agent looks for a file in the {{server.allow}} directory matching the IP address of an incoming connection before doing RSA Key authentication. "0" means the Backup Agent will only do RSA Key authentication and not check the source IP address of the connecting the Backup Manager. \\
If set to "1," the Backup Agent looks for a file in the {{server.allow}} directory matching the IP address of an incoming connection before doing RSA Key authentication. "0" means the Backup Agent will only do RSA Key authentication and not check the source IP address of the connecting the Backup Manager. \\