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*To download data for Technical Support*
1. In the Main menu, click *Configuration*. Server Backup Manager displays the Configuration window.
1. In the Main Menu, click *Advanced Options*. The _Manager Information_ screen automatically displays.
2. In the Configuration menu, click *Manager Information*. SBM displays the Manager Information window as shown in the following image.
2. Scroll down to the bottom of the _Manager Information_ screen and click the *Log Files* button to download logs for R1Soft Technical Support. !Manager Information - Log Files button.png|border=1!
!Manager Information window.png!
4. Click *OK* to load and open the {{r1soft-support-log-files.zip}} folder. The file may also automatically download depending on your browser settings.
3. Click *Log Files* on the bottom of the page to download logs for R1Soft Technical Support.
!Manager Information window_Log files button.png!
4. Click *OK* to load and open the {{r1soft-support-log-files.zip}} folder.
!Manager Information window_Log files button.png!
4. Click *OK* to load and open the {{r1soft-support-log-files.zip}} folder.
!Saving zipped logs.png!