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View Page History{color:#000000}Before you set up Archive on the local appliance, you will need to have an FTP server or Amazon Glacier account already configured.{color}
h3. {color:#000000}How to set up an Amazon Web Services/Amazon Glacier account{color}

* [Amazon Glacier URLs for data center regions|http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/rande.html#glacier_region]
h3. {color:#000000}Appliance {color:#000000}SBM disk space requirements{color}
{color:#000000}Note that Continuity247 that Archive requires additional disk space on the local appliance SBM volume on top of the standard appliance volume sizing guidelines. Follow these guidelines for calculating the amount of formatted disk space required:{color}
* {color:#000000}3 times the live data of all protected machines plus 200 GB (for appliance operating system).{color} in the volume.{color}
* {color:#000000}Additional disk space equal to 2x the amount of live data on the machine for each machine that has{color}{color:#000000} {color}{color:#000000}{_}Archive{_}{color}{color:#000000} {color}{color:#000000}enabled.{color}
* {color:#000000}Additional disk space equal to 2x the amount of live data on the machine for each machine in the volume that has{color}{color:#000000} {color}{color:#000000}{_}Archive{_}{color}{color:#000000} {color}{color:#000000}enabled (to allow for the replica and future recovery).{color}
h4. {color:#000000}Sizing Examples{color}

* {color:#000000}Machine 3: 100 GB of live data{color}
{color:#000000}{*}Total appliance disk space required{*}{color}{color:#000000} {color}{color:#000000}would be calculated as: 3x (200 GB\+ 100 GB \+100 GB) \+200 GB for appliance operating system = 1.4 TB{color}
{color:#000000}{*}Total appliance disk space required{*}{color}{color:#000000} {color}{color:#000000}would be calculated as: 3x (200 GB\+ 100 GB \+100 GB) = 1.2 TB{color}
{color:#000000} {color}

{color:#000000}For each machine where Archive is enabled, additional disk space (equal to 2x the total size of live data on the machine) needs to be allotted to accommodate the disk safe replica that is created when you enable Archive in the policy, and to allow for a copy of the disk safe to be retrieved from the cloud storage location (FTP or Amazon Glacier) in the event of a disaster.{color}
* {color:#000000}Machine 1: 200 GB of live data{color}
* {color:#000000}Machine 1: 200 GB of live data{color}*# {color:#000000}Archive enabled = additional 400 GB of space required (200 GB for the replicated disk safe \+200 GB to accommodate a copy retrieved from the Archive in a DR scenario).{color}
* {color:#000000}Machine 2: 100 GB of live data{color}
* {color:#000000}Machine 2: 100 GB of live data{color}*# {color:#000000}Archive enabled = additional 200 GB of space required (100 GB for the replicated disk safe \+100 GB to accommodate a copy retrieved from the Archive in a DR scenario).{color}
* {color:#000000}Machine 3: 100 GB of live data{color}
{color:#000000}{*}Total appliance disk space required{*}{color}{color:#000000} {color}{color:#000000}would be calculated as: 3x (200 GB\+ 100 GB \+100 GB) \+600 GB (for the two machines with Archive enabled) \+200 GB for appliance operating system = 2.0 TB{color}
{color:#000000}{*}Total SBM disk space required{*}{color}{color:#000000} {color}{color:#000000}would be calculated as: 3x (200 GB\+ 100 GB \+100 GB) \+600 GB (for the two machines with Archive enabled) = 1.8 TB{color}
h3. {color:#000000}Setting up the Cloud Storage account{color}
{color:#000000}Note that Cloud Storage account setup should be performed through the SBM admin account that was created when you originally provisioned the appliance. This will ensure that your Cloud Storage account is associated with the SBM{color}{color:#000000} {color}{color:#000000}{_}admin{_}{color}{color:#000000} {color}{color:#000000}account.{color}