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{color:#000000}This release will bring long-awaited updates to core SBM components, include important Security updates, and will introduce the framework necessary for 5.15 kernel support (Beta). Beta support for 5.14 kernels is expected soon after.{color}
{color:#000000}{*}{+}UPDATE 05/11/2023{+}{*}{color} {color:#000000}: {color}{color:#000000}We are planning to release R1Soft Server Backup Manager 6.18 the week of May 22nd. {color}{color:#000000}This release will contain bug fixes, security updates, core component updates, and BETA support for 5.15 kernels. {color}
{color:#000000}Beta support for 5.14 kernels is expected to arrive soon after. {color}
{color:#000000}Beta support for 5.14 kernels is expected to arrive soon after. {color}
h1. {color:#172b4d}Known Issues{color}