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{color:windowtext}\-{color}{color:windowtext}CloudLinux{color}{color:windowtext} 9.5 - Available starting Monday, January 6th{color}{color:windowtext} {color}
{color:windowtext}{*}{+}UPDATE 01/30/25:+{*}{color}{color:windowtext} {color}
{color:windowtext}\- Modules for RHEL 9.5 operating systems have been promoted to production stable. These versions will now auto build from the agent using the "getmodule" command{color}{color:windowtext} {color}
{color:windowtext}\- We are working on promoting AlmaLinux 9.5, Rocky Linux 9.5, and CloudLinux 9.5 to stable in the coming weeks.{color}{color:windowtext} {color}
{color:windowtext}\- Modules for RHEL 9.5 operating systems have been promoted to production stable. These versions will now auto build from the agent using the "getmodule" command{color}{color:windowtext} {color}
{color:windowtext}\- We are working on promoting AlmaLinux 9.5, Rocky Linux 9.5, and CloudLinux 9.5 to stable in the coming weeks.{color}{color:windowtext} {color}

h1. {color:#172b4d}Known Issues{color}