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The backup application simply starts at the top of the drive and traverses down examining all of the files and directories using one of the defined Delta Computation Methods ([Computing Deltas - File Attributes], [Computing Deltas - Check Sums], [Computing Deltas - VSS For Shared Folders]) to determine if a file has changed and should be included in the backup set.
The advantage of this approach is that it usually results in a highly portable application written in C or C+\+ can be made to compile and execute on almost any operating system. If you see a backup application that seems to support all operating systems as some do you can probably be sure it is a file based backup application. Symantec BackupExec, CA ArcServeIT, NT Backup, and IBM Tivoli are all examples of file based backup applications. Some of them claim to support a giant list of operating systems and this is how they do it. \\
*There are serious disadvantages to backing up data at the file level.*

How long does it take to run this command on your Linux Server?\\
# find /
# find /

If you haven't tried it give these examples a try. Then add in time to compute deltas and its no wonder file based backup is so slow. Many minutes can go by some times even hours and you have done nothing but index all of the files. Now add in the time it takes to actually read data, and its no wonder you are backing up weekly or daily at best.